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WoW in 10 words

Started by Nasanna, April 18, 2008, 05:50:11 AM

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The online comic, Penny Arcade, had a contest where you had to submit 10 words describing WoW. The prize was some stuff from the trading card game. Here are the winners:

And the runners up are at


I didn't even get a runner-up spot :(



I wanted to write the WoW equivalent of "For Sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." (Hemingway) but couldn't get in gear in time. Apparently they got thousands of entries; good thing they don't take long to read.  ;)


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


"We can't stop here, this is Murloc country! Memmuuuulee urglrlle!" is what i submitted.  I did it cos i thought it was the one that said it, but wasn't entirely sure.  Either way, it is irrelevant now.


you can't do that while stunned!  spell not ready yet!


Need more rage! Need more rage! Need more rage! Need...

"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington