*CHANGED* Latest Files Download Display (Main Page)

Started by Shadowwolf, April 08, 2008, 06:25:11 AM

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The latest files download display has been adjusted and expanded for easier file update display.

Changes Made:

  • The list has been expanded from the last 10 updates to the last 12. The additional 2 spaces make it easier to see ~3 days worth of updates to account for people who are away from WoW on weekends and holidays. Keeping the list at 12 prevents the list from being "too" long and detracting from the visual graces of the main page.
  • The "Updated On:" string has been simplified more to display the month abbreviation now instead of just the month numerical value.
  • Each file update now displays the actual time it was updated in addition to the month and day to better allow tracking of items that are updated multiple times a day.

Additional Info:
The times displayed on updates are all EST (Eastern Standard Time) or Server Time +1 hour.
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