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File suicide

Started by capnpop, May 28, 2008, 10:12:15 AM

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I had a file up and kill itself today.  I was modifying it to not do some system checks because I didn't want to do a recompile of php without the server admin/owner knowing and after successfully "tricking" it to continue despite "errors" the file promptly ate itself and currently exists with no information/code in the file...

After looking deeper it appears as though several other files "died" in much the same way...kinda funny... :P


Oh noez!  Next ur gona cause the internet to kill itself  ]:D


Congraduations, I've made file eating virii before, but I never made a file suicidal.
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" - Possum Lodge Motto
I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together.


i would laugh or crongratulate you... but i just understood the word file...   :-[
