Black widow lady! For realz!

Started by Arcdelad, June 16, 2008, 01:10:10 PM

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Holy least she didnt ever have to pay alimony lol

EDIT: the story isnt even the most disturbing thing the right there was an ad (at least when I viewed it) of a scruffy dad pressing his smiling face against his newborn's sleeping face with the caption "The greatest gift you'll ever give your family is life insurance!"

You rat bastard advertisers...sure...PLAY on my sensibility of being a father of young kids who cares a TON about them, then try and control me with fear of death and its consequences into buying a product. A**holes.


I had an LL Bean ad.
Sex sells
and apperently advertisers have picked up on the politicians. Fear sells as well!


I didn't get any ads; I have noscript.

On a related note, My untimely demise would pay approximately $150k to nas between my life insurance, 401k, roth IRA, and other investments.

brb removing everything sharp from my place.


The add is a hotel add- maybe they changed it?


weird story! ???
I got a vision exam add.