
Started by Caedryne, September 14, 2006, 02:57:03 AM

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I can't express how frustrating it is to hear "please just let them win"  or "let them through with the flag" when we are down 2-0.  I always tell those people to leave if they don't want to play and they come back with "no, i'll just sit here until its over".

I scream a lot when in WSG.


I have to force myself to do bg for just these reasons - what a pity - it could be so much fun. *sighs*


I end up just telling the people to shut and play the game, cause it's just a game. It's their own damn faults they can't win a bg. Yesterday I was in with a few good groups and we actually won AB, and if we didn't win, we still had fun playing.


I'm happy to join anyone that wants to do battlegrounds- I really like AV- but still get a bit confused about what's best to do. It would be great if a guildie or two could show me the ropes :)


For AV, I usually hang out on defense for a really long time unless we are getting swamped bad. Then I switch to Offense when they get near FW to help in taking down Krek. I do a couple of repeatable quests every once in awhile, but I'm mainly running around ganking priests, druids, and shamans to stop their healing of their fellow horde. It's all in what you have more fun doing in AV. It's not truly a full PVP BG considering there are quests to do in there. If you haven't picked them up, there are some quests for AV in Alterac Mountain. great rep build on those as well as really good rewards on a couple of them.


I love AV, still not the best at it yet(my alt is lvl 52) I am a casual PvPer, but was frustrated that 42K didn't even get me from rank 3-4... The games are so fun, just not much gaining of rank with the new X-realm BGs.


I have 3 characters exalted with's the best way to win.
Rush IB, if everyone goes there's no need for defence, its about who can kill the general first, nothing else matters.
Assuming the majority of people cap IB a few can go and cap the side towers. If horde don't cap SF then its best to defend IB till it caps and let horde cap either SF or the first ally GY.
After that its pretty much like every AV, cap IB, then the relief hut and its surrounding towers.
The only reason alliance ever lose is because they cap SF and/or kill galv. Its a waste of precious time where every single minute counts.
If any horde defend their gen then while pulling the WM's its important for everyone to keep an eye on any horde and for hunters/rogues...anyone that can slow em or stun em to stay as close to the gen's entrance as possible to prevent them from going in. Once the WM's are dead and everyone goes in, it doesn't really matter how many horde are there, chances are there are far more ally and it shouldn't be too difficult to flush them out while at the same time killing the gen.
Hope that helps...good luck getting people to listen.