Zul'Aman - Jan'alai (Dragonhawk)

Started by Shadowwolf, August 04, 2008, 04:38:32 PM

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  • [spell=43140]Flame Breath[/spell] - A cone that has a long range but a small width, this does about 4-5k to people in a single line as well as periodic fire damage. It is important to minimize its damage by spreading out appropriately.
  • [spell=42630]Fire Bomb[/spell] - He will periodically teleport raid members to him who are too far away. He will then begin spawning "time bombs" randomly throughout his area. After approximately 10 seconds they will blow up dealing fire damage in a 5-yard area. During this time, he puts up [spell=43114]Fire Wall[/spell] on the outer ring of his area so you cannot escape.
  • [spell=43962]Summon Amani'shi Hatcher[/spell] - About every 90 seconds during the fight he calls two Amani'shi Hatchers which will run to a side and begin hatching eggs into Amani Dragonhawk Hatchlings at an increasing rate: starting with one egg, and doubling every time. After spawning all of one side, the Amani'shi Hatcher will move to the other side and begin spawning on that side if not killed.
  • [spell=43144]Hatch All Eggs[/spell] - At 35% health all the remaining eggs will spawn. It is important to allow Hatchers to break a few eggs throughout the fight and the kill the Dragonhawk Hatchlings before killing the Hatchers.
  • Enrage - Increases attack speed by 50% and damage by 50%. The boss uses this either after five minutes or when he is down to 25% hitpoints, whichever comes first. This differs from his ten minute Enrage, which is intended as a raid wipe for allowing the fight to continue too long.
  • Berzerk Enrage - After 10 minutes, the boss will hard enrage increasing his damage output and likely wiping the raid.




The key to this fight is managing the Dragonhawk adds and avoiding the Fire Bombs. Positioning is basically to keep the boss in the center if not more towards the back stairway and keeping him faced away from the majority of the raid. While his [spell=43140]Flame Breath[/spell] ability will target a random member of the raid, allowing more space for ranged classes to spread out will help minimize the impact on the raid when someone is hit.

Fire Bombs:

Every so often Jan'alai will cast his [spell=42630]Fire Bomb[/spell] ability. He will teleport himself to the very center of the platform and anyone outside the main platform area will instantly be teleported to him as well and then he will start throwing out bombs all around the platform that glow orange. If you are within 5yrds of these glowing balls when they detonate you will take extreme amounts of fire damage and while it is possible to survive 1, 2 will likely hit you as well as being the target if his [spell=43140]Flame Breath[/spell] right after or being debuffed by [spell=43299]Flame Buffet[/spell] will likely cause you to be 1-shot. These bombs are easy to avoid if you move at least 5yrds away from any of them before they detonate. You have roughly 10 seconds to find a safe spot to stand, which is a fair amount of time to avoid taking damage from the bombs entirely.

Above all DO NOT CROSS THE FIRE GATES till the bombs are over. If you try to cross a line of fire to escape them not only will you take a TON of fire damage, but it will also place a DoT on you that ticks for a considerable amount and anyone near you will also be hit with part of the fire damage you take.


Managing the Dragonhawks:

Depending on the raid make up depends on what method is best to use when managing the Dragonhawk adds during this fight. Every 90 seconds Jan'alai will summon 2 hatcher tolls to come break the eggs on each of the 2 egg platforms. They run up the stairs leading to the boss platform. Regardless of what method you use in killing the dragonhawks its best to kill at least 1 of these hatchers and allowing only 1 hatcher live to break some eggs. These trolls are vulnerable to all stuns, roots and slowing effects but immune to polymorph.

You must watch the hatchers very closely when allowing them to hatch eggs as it doesnt take very long as each time they cast the ability to hatch an egg, it doubles the number of eggs hatched each time. Basically the first hatch is 1 egg, then 2 eggs, then 4, then 8, so its best not to let them cast more than 3 times or you will get overwhelmed with Dragonhawks easily. The other issue is if they manage to hatch an entire side of eggs, they will run to the other side and start hatching there as well if not killed before. If you manage to clear one side of eggs, the next time the 2 hatchers spawn they will both run to the side that still contains eggs.

If you have a pally tank, the best method to employ is to allow 1 hatcher to hatch an entire platform and then kill it. Giving the pally time to grab aggro on the Dragonhawks, everyone should help burn them all down with AOE as quickly as possible. The pally can then self-bubble to remove any [spell=43299]Flame Buffet[/spell] on them and prepare to grab the next side of dragonhawks when the next set of hatchers spawn.

Any classes with a dispell magic ability should cleanse as many [spell=43299]Flame Buffet[/spell] debuffs off any raid members as possible once the dragonhawks are dead to make sure the boss's [spell=43140]Flame Breath[/spell] ability doesnt 1-shot anyone.

If you do not have a pally tank, the best solution is to allow 1 hatcher to spawn 7-8 dragonhawks at a time. These adds dont hit too hard, but will easily overwhelm a caster if left unchecked. Using Frost Trap, Frost Nova, or Fear can help you control them a little easier so they can be managed for killing/AOE.

The goal is to kill as many eggs as possible before the boss reaches 35% health. At that time he will automatically break any remaining eggs and you can eaily wipe if you didnt manage to kill enough of the eggs before hand or you have no good way to handle the adds.

One important note about the Dragonhawks is that the boss can still use his [spell=42630]Fire Bomb[/spell] ability on the raid even if you are trying to kill Dragonhawks which can make it a little hectic. Thats why it is important that whomever is managing the Dragonhawk adds pays attention to where they are standing and that any DPS that are helping kill them also stay alert so not to die from the bombs.
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