umber abacus fecund waggle canticle... fire burn and cauldron bubble?

Started by fiere redfern, August 02, 2008, 09:05:50 AM

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fiere redfern

So, I checked my email this morning and found I'd received one of the strangest spam-mail messages ever. The words themselves made sense (which, inandof itsef is odd for a spam message), but there was no context... just words. It went a little something like this:

Quotewale creep italic? canticle, alphabetic armature.
creep sidestep abacus repetition right remark, galatia
colonial abacus spoon galatia horus.

guildhall remark soften

armature joaquin remark? remark, repetition baghdad.
spoon sidestep thrill colonial gratitude nave, fecund
galatia guildhall sidestep turnabout describe.

roost sidestep soften

armature describe nave? horus, firehouse remark.

clothe wale.

Sounds like Mr. Spammer knows how to use his dictionary O.o

