To Twilight!

Started by TheGeneral451, December 10, 2008, 02:35:27 PM

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Hey I know you guys prolly hear it alot, but I still Need to say it.  I am so happy in the guild. I thank You very much for the invite.  Playing WoW has been so much more enjoyable in the short period since I have joined (which i didn't think was possible cus i'm an addict way before i joined).  You guys and girls rock, thanks for all your help and hopefully I will be able to help the guild as much as the guild has helped me.


P.S.--I'm stealing Lahlahlahla's Marshmallows tomorrow at 430 server.
P.P.S--If you see a dead pink haired gnome in heroics, its prolly me.
P.P.P.S--Might be in Philly for NYE, anyone wants to meet up send me a message.


HHAHAHAHAHAHA i laughed a ton  :reindeer_smiley: