Addon - EventAlert

Started by Lyte, February 10, 2009, 07:05:13 AM

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I saw dharq using this and I asked him what it was.  I have a talent spec where I have a chance on casts to get a free flash heal as an instant cast and at no mana cost.  It goes off a lot, but I noticed during the raids I have so many buffs that it was hard for me to see when it went off.  I only have about 10 seconds to use it or it's wasted, and I seemed to be wasting it alot.  I started asking the guild if anyone knew of an addon to use to notify me when my talent went off so that I would never waste it, but it seemed noone knew of anything and also several others mentioned they were having the same problem with their special talents.

This addon is designed for that stuff!  I tried it for the first time at this past week's Naxx raid, specifically the second night of it and then last night as well.  I absolutely love it.  I never miss a single free heal now.  And it goes off ALL the time, especially when I use circle of healing.  Heck, when I throw that heal spell out that bounces around the raid as they get hurt, every single person that heals from it, I have a chance to get the talent free heal off it even though I only actually casted one spell.  I love this thing.  I wanted to share it with everyone in case it helps anyone else too. :lovesick: