3.1 feral Cat and Bear spec conversation

Started by Arcdelad, February 25, 2009, 06:42:26 AM

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I dont know about you other ferals, but I'm looking to this patch as a way to FULLY recapture the dual spec status weve always traditionally had....trees are for the likes of lynn and fiere and shadow, and why spec moonie only so we can do less dps? :P This will let us, if we choose to do a bear spec/cat spec combo, forget about this whole "bear spec dps in cat gear" thing we do now, and should let us shine....

...AND we now have new talents which to me look like a nice buff, PLUS some new and useful looking glyphs....

here are my first thoughts on my cat spec and bear spec for 3.1 (subject to change - let me know if you disagree or see wasted points)...dep - maybe you can post a nice PVP spec too since your more pvp orientated than the rest of us ferals..

Cat spec:

this spec leaves ONE talent point free for ANYTHING - use it wherever you see fit and to your own style of play


Bear spec:


I know most of lacerate's threat is from an up-front static 1k threat + INITIAL damage, but im curious to see if Primal Gore makes the dot on it a worthwhile threat generator too...



Restoration tree changed Imp MOTW to: "Improved Mark of the Wild (Tier 1) now also increases all of your total attributes by 1/2%." - which means we need to get it now =)


I haven't done the math, but would be interested to see the comparison of 5% more dmg to our bleeds from genesis versus the 4% crit from master shapeshifter to sustained dps...and how it might vary with differing ap and crit from gear.


Genesis is confirmed to not work on our bleeds...its an incorrect tool tip =/
