My sweet Dog Octavious

Started by fallingleafs, April 05, 2009, 09:52:49 PM

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I have not been on lately due several problems at home.  My dog had been diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago he died today he was a Rottweiler named Ocatvious.  He was almost 11 years old and his final act of courage was dieing before I could take him to the vet to be put down.  I think he knew the pain it was causing me taking my best friend to his death and while I went to get ready to take him on his final journey he quietly went away on his own terms.  Words can't begin to do justice to the type of companion he has been for me.  Watching him get sick and wither away has been an excruciating experience for me the last two weeks  :'( I had been cooking his meals and hand feeding them to him.  Though I am glad his pain is finally over and I take solace in the fact that I was a good companion/dad to him, my heart is broken for I have lost my best buddy and will most likely live an entire lifetime without meeting his equal.  If Jesus needed a good dog he really found himself a keeper in Octavious but when it is my time to leave this earth the first thing I plan on doing is getting my good boy back.  I will be back soon as I believe I need an escape from RL.  The only other thing I have going is that it's getting to be motorcycle weather again and besides work I plan on spending many hours with the wind on my face and might even purchase my first HD very soon. 



Leafs, my heart goes out to you, it is truely hard to see one's best friends go.  :'(   take care, see ya soon.


Sorry to hear that, Leafs... it's never easy.  Remember the good times and good driving :)


 I'll say a prayer for you and your furry friend. He's in a great place now for sure and you will meet again when you make the transition from this life to another.


 :'(It breaks my heart to read this Leafs, but also warms it thinking about the great life you gave Octavius. I have two dogs and they are like my children.  I hope when you're ready you can give another lucky pup a good home and life.

Heres to your friend  :Fosters_Pack:


/hugs So sorry to hear of your loss.
/salute to Octavious


I just gave my dog a hug after hearing of your loss. You will be in my prayers.