"The end of the world"

Started by Haderach, June 02, 2009, 09:30:16 AM

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So, some kid in my business class is going on about marshal law and 2012 and all that other disproven stuff, so...what are your guy's thoughts on this?

I personally think its just folks freaking out, like with 2000 and Y2K, and all the random folk on the streets talking about the end of the world. last I checked, unless were living in a universe of magic and stuff, planets aligning does not do much for earth XD.

"Lord of Snaxxramas"
"Who need's a real doctor when you have my machines and their scary needles?" Dr.Zed from Borderlands


You mean they are going to stop the world of warcraft servers in 2012???



Extended Maintenance, Gasp. It is the end of the world, I don't want to go outside.


see you all in Hell



The whole theory of aligning with the Galactic plane is fanciful, because the Galactic plane is very thick, and it is rather difficult to ascertain the true center of it. Besides, upon which standard? Visual? Infrared? Mass? We aren't even sure our theories about gravity at the galactic level are correct (hence Dark Matter).


Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face.



I don't think 2012 is going to be a problem, but Y2k32 is gonna be a killer. its when the Unix Epoch (The second count that has been going since 1/1/70) will roll over in a 32bit space, where most computers keep it. Short result, ANY unix/linux system will expirence the Y2k bug, and think its the wrong date, by about 150years.

These systems RUN everything, end of the world, probably.
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" - Possum Lodge Motto
I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together.


Moonlighting (Hah!  Get it?) in astronomy is great, but be careful what you offer as arguments/counter arguments in a debate.