Calling all raiders!

Started by fiere redfern, June 20, 2007, 06:52:18 AM

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fiere redfern

Hey guys,

As some of you probably already know, I've been trying to get my butt attuned for Naxx by going for AD exalted (probably won't end up happening, but if I can lower the cost of the attunement quest by even a little it'd be so awesomely helpful) and have been running around the Plaguelands like a chicken with its head cut off doing quests and running Strat/Scholo.

One of those quests - [60R] Order Must Be Restored - has me killing Nathanos Blightcaller. Nasty bit of work there. Apparently he's a raid quest because of the adds he spawns (10-20 skeletons at once according to thottbot). Other then that it's him and his two dogs who are immune to ... everything. So, if any of you need this quest or started it and abandoned it in favor of Outlands fun, feel free to join in. To anyone earlier in the chain, I'll be in the area, so if you need a hand let me know =) The event's listed on the sign-up page; invites are at 9p server time, we ride to battle (can't believe those words are coming out of my mouth) at 9.30p.

For the Alliance! /chest-thump





Fiere: I will be more than willing to help if im not in an instance...a few of us did this before BC came out on a whim (along with the Darrowshire raid quest) and it was fairly challenging for us when we were 60 and decently equiped...with some 70's though now we should be able to do this with much less people and have it be easier...lets do it!

Nix: damn straight you need to level faster LOL...we need you to make our 3v3 arena team :P

fiere redfern

Update: I was silly and scheduled the raid for 9p.. the same time when kara invites go out =P

That's fixed now; I've updated the time to 8p so those who are on kara tonight can join in too if they wish.  :) I'm not counting on the raid taking longer than a half-hour, so everyone should be able to have time to rest/repair before the instance.

