The reason I'm lvling my pally:

Started by capnpop, August 06, 2007, 12:11:13 PM

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the good news: given blizzard's 100% track record for delaying projects, you now have a year and a half to level said paladin! and thats being generous!


I cant wait to see 2 people with the sword. WHAT a conflict in lore.


they will be forced to fight to the death!


If the first guy to get this is named ChuckNorris, will the game end?


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


I'm going to pretend that was never said GB. It'll only cause the chat channels to implode


as my name insists, Muridin, from the dwarven explorer, Muradin...i shall get this sword first, and be the most good evil person there is.... mwahahahahaha!!!  ]:D

fiere redfern

-most good


For maximum evil-doer bad englishy fun!  ]:D



Harddrive 1 (1-100)

yup i aint gettin it for a long time.


yeah like blizzard's so concerned with lorelol

IE the hyjal raid event... where you kill archiamonde (sp?), therefore changing how the world tree was sacrificed to kill him with a whisp-splosion, and how the new tree was grown... yeah.

see also draenei lore retconning.  And gnome/tauren Deathknights.



do deathnights start at level one?or 70? and do u have to be a pally to become one?

fiere redfern

Quotedo deathnights start at level one?or 70? and do u have to be a pally to become one?

DK (death knights) start at or around 55-60, according to the bliz devs. And no, you don't have to be a pally to become one, since they are a brand new character (your current char doesn't turn INTO a DK... you just get the option to create one in the char creation screen). Thus the source of the debate - Tauren/Gnome/whatever-else-that-can't-be-a-pally DKs would go against the traditional W3 and previous lore in so many ways that it's angering a LOT of traditionalists.