Nutoo must die

Started by genny, October 31, 2007, 10:33:33 AM

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I hate my hunter's name, Nutoo - when I transferred from alleria, someone had already taken her Alleria name, Nu.. 

So..  I want a new name..   any suggestions?  :)


well...a screen name, like any other name, is highly indivualized and a reflection of your tastes and interests...i think id like to turn this back on you :) what are your interests? what do you like to do? art? movies? books? music?

example is my alt is named "Tybanned"...I spoofed ty's name becuase i consider him a good friend, hes a hunter (like my alt), and i want to intercept all his mail (kidding about the last part...maybe :)


How about Nue? Even better if you speak French...  :Pumpkin:


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


you'll be able to change it after next patch. maybe use 1 special character in yoir old name when ya create the new one? you'd have to do a search on the net to find a list of the codes or someone can post a link or list they might have. just hold down alt key and punch numbers on your keypad.  


If I use characters I'll get a suspension..   I've already gotten a warning regarding special characters and had to change a bunch of character's names..   so yeah can't do that again :P


Oh and the special characters are ok for guilds and something else...   it was either pets or arena teams or both..   

But not character names.

I went to Lindiria...