Hex Lord Malacross

Started by Arcdelad, April 07, 2008, 02:22:20 PM

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Hes our next target guys, and is much harder than the avatar bosses.

If you intend on running ZA, please review this.



This is one crazy fight.

There is so much to it, it's just... crazy... yeah.

The healers here probably have it the worst. When I did this on my druid we had a Shaman and a Druid which made it a bit more manageable, as too I would assume with CoH priests. Even with drinking Pots on every cool down using innervate on my self using mana regen consumables this fight just drained both the healers mana, we were finally able to do it with two healers when we swapped out with someone's Shadow Priest alt (I love mana batteries).

You will need a shaman if you bring a druid, they will need to be ready for purge when he takes the abilities of a druid (and maybe some other stuff that I don't recall right now).

Another big thing to keep an eye on is when he takes form of a shaman. Be ready to move, he will drop the fire exploding totems and all melee will have to move.

There is with out a doubt that this fight will require everyone in the raid to be on their toes.