AD rep - ez way to get it

Started by Genoism, June 13, 2006, 05:29:29 AM

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wait for the next patch......reason being is that some high lvl area's will have these undead scourge spawn points that spawn TONS of very condensed mobs, bring a mage and a healer and you get roughly ~450 rep each time you go aoe them down(which takes approx 30 seconds). I tried it out with my mage on the test server, granted i had the utter best gear in the game, i did it without a healer so even if we need 2 mages 450 rep is well worth it lol.


Awesome.  Well we'll have my 60 priest and hopefully darkling's 60 mage can be there.  We'll hopefully be able to form a group or a raid or whatnot and get everyone some good rep!

Oh by the way, what lvl range were the scourge mobs?  were they elite?


heh funny thing is i don't remember their level, but if they were in winterspring/EPL i'd assume something like 58-60ish, i dont think they were elites. If they were i probably wouldn't have been able to take on a good 20 of them :D


hmm I thought they were supposed to attack SW and IF and such?  So they'll just be out in EPL and Winterspring? or are they all over throughout all zones?

Do you get drops off them if you wear your argent dawn pendant?


they do attack the capital cities, but the ones that do are far lower level, you do the quests actually as a low lvl to kill a few or something another, i havaen't done any myself, but outside the capital cities are these little AD camps that are setup...the one thing that worries me is how long these things will be out here cuz elwyn was always such a calm place and now its all stormy and ugly :(

oh and there are these drops that u collect like the stones that u trade in for items, they recently posted the 'rewards' aka, the trade in for the stones. They're ok, nothing spectacular.