A way to distort the self image of the NEXT generation!

Started by Arcdelad, May 16, 2008, 01:16:37 PM

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At least the prince never mentioned anything about your weight....


I would, though, highly recommend all Moonkin getting on the Wii fitness system....or something...seriously guys...dance more or something...you moonies are looking a liiiitle chunky these days....


I think Wii fit may have something to say about the BMI of the big hairy bears too Arc. :P


Each individual has a different healthy weight range based on how large their frame is, genetic factors, level of activity, and risk of diseases.  A kid's weight is best discussed with a pediatric doctor, not with a video game.  However, we're fat these days.  Too many children are being raised on fast food and video entertainment, and no physical activity, and getting your nickers in a twist over being called fat only hinders your pursuit of health.


Quote from: LastDyingBreath on May 17, 2008, 08:59:24 AM
and getting your nickers in a twist over being called fat only hinders your pursuit of health.

That leads to a whole different issue with today's society, over-sensitivity and political correctness. Its gone way too far. Terms like African American or Chinese American, instead of just "American" (this is another issue, if you werent born in Africa, your not an "African American", you are an American, period. A term like this just keeps perpetuating racism.), Flight Attendant instead of "Stewardess", Server instead of "Waiter or Waitress" and the list continues. Giving trophies to kids who lose at things to keep them feeling like they didnt actually lose, etc is just slowly eroding at society. Its why most kids dont try hard anymore these days, they just do the bare minimum, why? Because why should they try hard, they get rewarded regardless, thats what these types of things teach them, "Its ok if you dont try hard and do your best, your "good enough" is fine." You take away all incentive to do your best when you give out awards for a job done instead of a job well done.

All these little things dont seem like much but slowly it all erodes away at society. Its not making things better, its turning the generations behind us into a bunch of average, over-sensitive non-caring people. Its why when you go to a Burger King or some other fast food establishment and they screw up your order, when you complain they stare at you with a blank look or just shrug their shoulders. Its also when you go to the supermarket and the kid bagging your groceries puts the eggs at the bottom of the bag and a Watermelon or canned goods on top. People just dont care about doing their jobs well anymore, but the moment you point out a character flaw or say they are doing something wrong they want to make a whole ordeal about it...you're being racist, or prejudice or inconsiderate or something, but the blame is never taken with the responsible party anymore, its placed on everyone else. Taking responsibility for things seems to be something long lost.

At some point during my lifetime it became ok to be apathetic or incompetent but not ok to tell someone when they were.  ???

This is why I like that comedian Carlos Mencia. I followed his career for a long time well before he got famous as I used to see him perform on the comedy clubs off the Sunset strip. He calls people out for this stuff. The things make us unique as people, we should embrace things that make us unique instead of regretting them or cloaking them or being ashamed of them. Who we are is determined by our heritage and our upbringing as much as it is by how we grow up on our own as adults.

/end rant
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Not sure if this is going to make much sence or fit in here, But isn't it the same thing with mags. and models, i have yet to see how do i say a this....... a "healthy" looking one. always skin and bones.. I gre up on that and thinking that you have to be 98lbs to be pretty. Til i got older and smarter  realizing that they can bite me if they dont like me. hehe. And didnt personality use to count for something? my ^ year old stepdaugther told me last weeknd she was getting to "fat" and needed to go on a diet! To me shes perfect shes 6 and almost taller then me and weights i want to say  about 70 lbs. And it scares me for what my kids might think about themselves when they get older. Every where I go lately its want to lose weight, have plastic surgey today, and things of that nature. Drives me nuts! and just to think of what the futre will bring with all that is just plane SCARRY!

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
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