Shaman Glyphs

Started by Nasanna, October 16, 2008, 03:17:47 PM

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There are a zillion shaman glyphs, how will you know which to choose? Here are the current Shaman glyphs  and my take on them (I checked wowhead for some of the coefficients and comments):

Note: * indicates that the glyph is not available until Northrend opens up and inscription skill can get higher and use higher level herbs.

Major Glyphs

[item]Glyph of Chain Heal[/item] * Due to the reduction in healing with each jump, the 4th target would only get 12.5% of the healing done on the first target. I would much rather see a glyph to decrease the amount lost per jump. I guess this would be good if your earthliving procs a lot, but doesn't seem worth the glyph slot to me.

[item]Glyph of Chain Lightning[/item] Unlike Chain Heal, the 4th target would be hit for 34.3% of the damage done to the first target. With lightning overload and the desire for AOE, this seems like a viable glyph if you AOE a lot.

[item]Glyph of Earth Elemental Totem[/item] * Hmm now you can use earth elemental every 16 minutes instead of every 20! Useless.

[item]Glyph of Earth Shock[/item] * Seems useful for PVP, earthshock is now a 0.5 second cast.

[item]Glyph of Earthliving Weapon[/item] Now your total earthliving proc is 25%, up from 20%. My earthliving (have about 1000 spellpower, not exactly sure) ticks for about 350. It can also proc from all jumps of chain heal.

[item]Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem[/item] * See Glyph of Earth Elemental.

[item]Glyph of Fire Nova Totem[/item] Looks useful for elemental PVP. Supposedly boosts the range greater than the range of arcane explosion.

[item]Glyph of Flame Shock[/item] With the addition of lava burst (at level 70something), this looks pretty useless.

[item]Glyph of Flametongue Weapon[/item] If 2% crit is worth a glyph slot and you plan on using flametongue weapon, this looks pretty good to me.

[item]Glyph of Frost Shock[/item] Seems fairly useless as you can reapply FS or use earthbind. Might be OK for pvp, but then you're probably using earth shock...

[item]Glyph of Healing Stream Totem[/item]  No comments about this on wowhead. This might be useful, it depends exactly how the multiplier works. Now, if I pop a trinket and then a HS totem, it ticks for about 130. If the 30% is applied to the base spell, that won't be very good. If the 30% also applies to the Restorative Totems talent, it might be decent. So not sure on this one.

[item]Glyph of Healing Wave[/item] * So you'd assume this would be useful for PVP since you're healing 2 people at once.. but wait! You should be using lesser healing wave in pvp... Might be useful.

[item]Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave[/item] * The tank is probably going to have ES on most of the time. And you really should be healing them with chain heal or healing wave. This might be useful for pvp. But I'd love to see the effect of this get swapped with the effect of Glyph of Healing Wave.

[item]Glyph of Lightning Bolt[/item] If you're only using LB, this is about 110mp5. However, you'll probably be using CL, shocks, and lava burst. Go for Glyph of Water Mastery instead then.

[item]Glyph of Lightning Shield[/item] Because you use lightning shield all the time, right?

[item]Glyph of Mana Tide Totem[/item] * This looks like it will be useful for raiding since you're restoring an extra 4% of total mana to the entire raid.

[item]Glyph of Stormstrike[/item] * This looks great for enhancement shamans. With maelstorm weapon procs, you should be using up all your SS charges using instacast LB and earthshocks.

[item]Glyph of Strength of Earth Totem[/item] 1% crit all melee and ranged in a raid, looks useful.

[item]Glyph of Water Mastery[/item] At level 70, this is an additional 15mp5, sounds reasonable to me. Note that this does not affect how much mana you get back from each orb.

[item]Glyph of Windfury Weapon[/item] This looks great for enhancement. Supposedly it is about an 8% increase in damage.

Minor Glyphs

[item]Glyph of Astral Recall[/item]  Depends if you'd use your hearth every 12.5 minutes.

[item]Glyph of Ghost Wolf[/item] Sounds good for PVP

[item]Glyph of Renewed Life[/item] Good for wipes when you pop back up. But since this is essentially on a 40-60 minute cooldown, seems useless.

[item]Glyph of Water Breathing[/item] You can save yourself a bag slot with this one

[item]Glyph of Water Shield[/item] Definitely recommend this one since everyone uses water shield. Especially great for resto, who will hopefully be critting a lot of heals and using up those charges quickly.

[item]Glyph of Water Walking[/item] You can save yourself a bag slot with this one


Glyph of earth shock reduces the Global CD, not the cast time its instant, just makes it so you can use your next spell faster