Midnight launch events

Started by kinjin, November 11, 2008, 05:53:06 PM

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Just curious if anyone was going to one of the 4 launch events listed. Its tempting for me to go to the one in NYC. I'll have to see if the wifes working or not.


I will be going to the Local release in Scranton.  Just want to get the game and get home do some speed and play lol.


Hmmm, hadn't thought about it... does anyone know how they are going to do it i.e. will servers be down, for how long, etc or will they just flip a switch and as soon as you get your account enabled and the expansion installed you can run to Northrend and start grinding?

Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face.


You toss in the CD to isntall and while that's happening you go to the Blizz site and upgrade your account (i think)


I stayed up till 2:30 at my Walmart to have them sell out 12 people in front of me. The next day I went to best buy and they had a gabillion of them there. I'm getting my sleep this time.


I will be at Fry's electronics in anahiem at about 10:30 - 11pm I have one reserved and also at the bestbuy, I did 2 places because they said special edition will be on first come first server basis so i got my girlfirend going to fullerton for me while im at anahiem lol hopefully ill get mine signed.  I called Fry's today at 4pm and ppl were out front already so i might be out of luck for the collectors one at that location...YAY for girlfriends!!!


Quote from: JohnnieRat on November 11, 2008, 06:58:24 PM
You toss in the DVD to isntall and while that's happening you go to the Blizz site and upgrade your account (i think)
