Ogrimmar Dueling

Started by Darkling, October 17, 2006, 05:49:24 AM

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Yesterday, in complete boredom and needing a break, I was going to participate in the raid on Ogrimmar. I ended up declining the invite due to who the leader was. So I sat outside the front gate after doing a few gankings inside Ogrimmar solo, and a bunch of horde came out. I got challenged to a duel first by a warlock from Onyx. I beat him. Then a rogue from Onyx (she was in the pirate outfit, really cool), won on that one. Later she was in her actual rogue gear and challenged me again. She almost had me - I was down to 20% health- then I got lucky and turned it around to my advantage. Dueled a few more times, and won each duel.

End of the story, I went onto my UD rogue last night and let the rogue know that those duels were fun and all. I ended getting a few more whispers from Onyx complimenting me on my dueling. I felt good, and made some new friends. Watch out for me when I get my UD rogue leveled. I'll be looking for ya when I get into Onyx - hehe.



I'm leveling, then we'll do XR again.  :Vampire:


Good job!

I have a lowly lvl 12 UD rogue, nothing big, but he got kick the last time I played him. In all honesty, playing the priest is a bit of a bore sometimes <cringes waiting for the other priests to hit me> Sometimes I just would like to be an up close and personal kind of fellow. I won't delete Gailzee, and will progress her here and there to get her higher up to help on instances, but I sure wouldn't mind having an alliance rogue alt. I just may do so tonight! lol


Hell, my UD rogue is Lvl 9 and I helped chase off a lvl 60 Pally from NBK named Shutz or something like that. Can't remember right now. Some people in the guild know who he was cause when I logged back onto TB, he was apparently yelling out weather reports, so I yelled out 'I heard you got chased away from UC.' He said, 'That's right. I did.' I rplied to that with, 'By a lvl 9 UD rogue even!' He then asked, 'Do you want punched.'

Yeah, that lvl 9 UD rogue kept gouging a lvl 60 pally as he was trying to heal and harassing the hell out of him. Being a rogue rocks all the way.


Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess



yeah, slugz was (potentially is) cool...i nearly *pooped* myself when i saw that redfoxx quit NBK... (uber epiks, good pally healer and dmg dealer)


Which race - alliance side- do you all prefer for a rogue?


I prefer gnome because of the gnome escape artist ability and they're hard to target. A lot choose night elf because of the bonus to stealth, agi, and attack speed. humans, well, they have percetion? dwarves can gain stoneform and get rid of poisons and they have treasure detection. it's up to what you want in a rogue as far as racial abilities go.


Humans have perception and sword/mace spec.  I like UD rogues too.  :Vampire:


Yes the WOTF was a cool thing. I went with a NE. Wolfsblood by name. I like it already! :) Cya in game!  :Pumpkin:


I also like the UD breathing.  Nothing like popping out of the water and owning.