Started by Muridin, December 17, 2006, 05:43:42 PM

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if you were online around the time of the scheduled MC run, i went in with wat seemed like a coalition of guilds, Mayhem, Shadow Alliance, and there were others.

it was a full 40 man raid. wiped 6 times on Luci, now im not pissed at that, we wiped two times becuase a feared player aggroed those bloody imps. im pissed at the point that if decursive was to work, not only we, as a guild be able to take down Luci with greater ease, but surely a 40 man can.

i sure as hell think that if we had decursive, we could kill Luci without a wipe.

and thats me ranting about the lack of decursive


You're right...but not for the reasons you probably believe.

Larger raids, especially in a situation like that where everyone can get cursed, its just going to be harder to de-curse everyone. Which is why each group should have a de-curser ideally and they focus only on the people in their own group.

If that many people in a 40 were getting cursed, too many were standing too close to the boss. He wont curse the people that stay out of range of him which should be healers, hunters and casters. Only melee should be up close and personal and thats basically who'd you would have to de-curse.

The night we had those issues with him, waaaay too much kept working against us. For one, it was only a few nights after the patch, bugs and whatnot, plus people relearning to operate their classes again. Also, we got slammed with repops and buggy aggro radius off the imps and surgers in the cave nearby. There was 3 or 4 times the fight was going well and one of those last 2 showed up throwing it all to hell =P

Its a lot easier to do raids with less than 40 because you dont need to worry about people being where they shouldn't, more people to have to heal, etc. Doing those huge raids with PUGs or mixed company is always ugly. Everyone always has their special way of doing things and they are all right in how they do it and everyone else's way is wrong. Because of that people don't always listen to instruction and do things their way even if its not in tune with the plan causing all hell to break loose.

...So yes, in that 40man, Decursive would have probably brought some success, however if everyone who was there did what they should have and paid attention, you'd have found it wasn't really needed. Plugins like that helped the people who didn't know how to play more so then they helped those who did. Thats part of the reason Blizzard did the intentional breaking of it. Most everyone has seen that incompetent Priest in T2 who cant heal to save anyones life, but due to plugin ease and zerg raid tactics were able to be part of downing a boss to get those items. That doesnt apply to everyone, but from my travels, a lot of the 40 person raids tend to have a lot of under-par players and those who play well have to compensate.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


I prefer to play without Decursive.  If you put your spells (abolish poison, remove curse, etc.) on an action bar and assign a key and put show buffs until debuffed on, it's really easy. Click and press the button.  There is also a mouseover command you can merely mouse over the raid boxes, the toons, or the emergency monitor (if you use that) and not even have to click. Sure the change will take a few minutes to get used to, but hey, change is good.  I started playing without decursive a few weeks prior to it going away and it's really no big deal.  What it will do is remove the luxury or being able to spam one button and require a person to know what they are supposed to do.  Too many things like decursive remove the Skill aspects of the game.  Once everyone has the same gear, player skill is what makes the difference.

It's interesting to me that people see Teamspeak as a crutch, but don't see Decursive as one.  Decursive is a huge crutch imo and I'm glad they removed that and other "decision making" abilities from the game.   I don't use mods unless required to, so call me a purist if you want, but come patch game works.


Decursive def did help those who couldn't multi-task handling the standard decursing abilities though. Many people are so new to the idea of mass decursing that a run can fail because of that. Luci is only the begining. Gehennas is pretty brutal too. It's a matter of paying attention, for sure. But it's also the expectation that a new "decurser" can handle decursing a 40 man run -esp if the run is low on the necessary classes for decurse (pally,mage).

Frankly, I'll miss Decursive. Was it a crutch? Meh, perhaps, but those who don't have to decurse didn't have to hear "we all wiped because the Decursers weren't fast enough" or "I'm doing my job, what about the rest of you?"  :P  The blame is the most annoying part of a wipe. And decursing in there is one of the biggest complaints no matter if you have the mod or not (though I found the more people who had the mod at the time, found it easier to grasp the multi-scale concept of mass decurse-even if it was just their group.) Alot goes on in a boss fight, and one extra tool to help people get through and concentrate on can help.

Bye,bye Decursive- I'll miss you on my Pally.  :'(


hey Peligrie, seeming BI has been disbanded, u gonna join us?


I've started using Clique and its really really nice... i assigned cleanse to my middle mouse key (the wheelie one) so i just click a name with the Mouse3 button and it cleanses... not as ez as spamming it and it picks people for me but still easy. I also bound shift+(insert mouse buton commands) for heals and such so i can just pop a quick flash O Light on someone without changing targets.

Seems to be the best alternative to decursive as of now


Quote from: Muridin on December 18, 2006, 08:14:07 AM
hey Peligrie, seeming BI has been disbanded, u gonna join us?

I've been rolling the idea around. After the disband I've kind of been a wandering spirit and not doing much that involves alot of thinking- lol. (Grinding WPL for AD rep for NAXX Attunement for one. With Peligrie AND Zerofever AND Frosting lol) Was with Brym from the start (founding member since January 06) and with so many people scattered all over,  I guess I'm just waiting to figure out what the best move for me is and figure out what I really want to do from here on in.

Twilight is always on the top of my guild thought process though.  :) I mention you guys to anyone asking me looking for a guild to join.