Durids nerfed, Warriors become relevant again?

Started by Grendeel, February 24, 2007, 03:57:18 PM

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From everything I've seen, both priests and warriors are just nothing short of painful solo at lvls 60+. I agree though, the pom change for priests coupled with the VE nerf is a much more significant change than the druid ones.


Im just fine with the priest DoTs getting nerfed...1 button will put what, 4 of them on you? Thats damage and other magical negatives added to you. Otherwise, I hope priests get buffed in most other things, they die too fast for me in duels  :P


Those are DoTs that priests use? Wow, and all this time I thought they were mosquitoes pecking at my neck.


Priests have only a few damaging spells that are actually worth using, so I'm a little dissapointed in the nerf.  They have no armor and no health, so the shield is their only way to stay alive in many cases.  They only drop about 4 effects on you with a DoT if they're specced for that (vs. healing), and most of them are minor damage buffs that help a spell with an insane mana cost (SW: Pain costs about 500 mana on Desi).

Priests simply get the shaft time and time again... I killed a level 70 shadow priest in AV a few days ago without going under 80% health.