My Departure....

Started by Twist, September 04, 2007, 02:21:28 PM

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Not sure if this is permanent or not, but most likely.  I like Twilight very much, but lately I can't raid/run much with twilight anymore, and I know that twilight frowns upon raiding/running with other guilds all the time, which I understand totally.  I'm not angry with anyone, and I hope they are not with me, but I understand if some are.  I know that the guild doesn't care if I participate with them or not, just being there is enough to satisfy most of you  ;D and a superb group of people you are.  I really enjoy hanging out with you guys, but I also really enjoy getting to raid, not necessarily raiding all the time, just getting to on the weekdays.  Due to twilight's late raiding schedule, which I also understand and am not angry about  :), I can't raid on the weekdays.  I thank you all very much for what you've taught me, maybe you learned something from me too? always nice to give something back :) and I hope to keep in touch as I have bonded with a lot of you and made some good friends, don't be hesitant at all to talk to me anytime about anything, I wish you all luck  :) This makes me sad... :'(


Sorry to see you leave, but your reasons seem sound to me.

Best of luck to you wherever you land and feel free to call on me if you ever need a rogue for anything.


fiere redfern

Aye, sad to see you go, Twist but your reasons are sound. Give a holler if you need a fuzz-butt tank for anything =)


Thanks guys... Currently still in the guild, haven't mustered up the strength to type /gquit yet... hehe


Hey Twist, was fun hanging with you and I hope you find what you are looking for. Best of luck in your adventures in game/rl.


Hey Twist was nice to play with you, sad to see ya leave :(
Best of luck on whatever you do!


Twist - sad to see you go. I wish you the best always.


Sorry to see you go and I wish there was another way for this to turn out. We try to be as flexible as we can with raid times but theres only small blocks that we can work with to maximize participation. Keeping some runs on the weekends also allows people more flexibility. I know we cant accommodate everyone down to the minute so we do the best we can, thats why we ask everyone to try and flex their schedules as much as possible. Unfortunately sometimes thats not possible so you have to do what you feel is best for your enjoyment for the money you pay every month =P

Best of luck.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


twist, i didnt really roll with you much, but your a decent guy, best 'o luck to ya mate...but beware now, guild immunity to me dingo's expired for you  :D

hope to roll with ya sometime, will miss ya mate  ;D


All the best Twist from me and the kids. Take care and I'll add you to my friends list :)


I will miss you /cry Good luck <3


Good luck to you, Twist! It was nice having you here. Hang in there and don't be a stranger!  :)


Take it easy man.  Hang around!