Re: Welcome to Our new Rogues

Started by sweetblood, November 11, 2007, 04:58:32 AM

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hi a new member,i look forward to learning how to be the best rouge i can be.i generally try to get the best gear i can find but i really need help.any rouge who can look me up in the armory and look at what i have ( i know i really need upgrades)  ,and give me any advice to improve my gear and help me would be well appreciated.i want to go to events doing the most i can to help,so please feel free to comment me or send a note.thx


I highly suggest doing all quests, starting in Hellfire then proceeding to Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest, Nagrand, Blade's Edge, Shadowmoon Valley, then Netherstorm.  Most quests are soloable (or duoable) and the rewards will upgrade nearly every one of your slots.  Don't spend gold on the AH for equipment - it is pointless until you reach 70.  Also, I wouldn't worry too much about enchantments until 70, as all your gear gets replaced during the journey.

I would highly recommend you look at the PVE Starter Gear described over at and work on those pieces as you approach lvl 70.

Welcome aboard...Lynette


thank you so much just doing that.i did all the quests from hellsfire to the forest so far i can find.anything i can do to prepare for kara?quests in cot?thx 4 your help..:)


To prepare for Kara, you certaintly should run as many level 70 instances (the 5-mans) as you can.  Once you've gotten that gear and experience, try them on heroics for the loot and experience.  After that, buy some potions and elixers and head on off to Kara!


as of now,i just hit 64 so ill keep questing until i reach 66 to do cot.ill also hit up ramparts and bloodfurnace.


I would not set foot in CoT before 68, and even then I would make sure I had a very good group.

fiere redfern

Yeah, CoT is definately something to leave until later levels. For you atm, I'd say take care of grinding your HH rep with Ramparts and Blood Furnace - and then once you get to 66 or so head over to Terrokar and start doing Slave Pens and the Underbog. Auchindoun (the lower instances) should be okay for you around then too =)


thx..ill look at decembers calendar when its posted.