Outdoor Raid Bosses - Doom Lord Kazzak

Started by Shadowwolf, January 19, 2008, 06:05:30 PM

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  • Boss health - 1.3 million
  • Normal Melee hits - 7000-11000
  • Shadowbolt Volley - Shoots out an insanely long range volley of Shadowbolts that hits everyone in the raid. It will hit between 1500-2800 to everyone before resistance is applied. The volley totally ignores all line of sight issues; It does have a range, and can be avoided, it is resistable as well.
  • Twisted Reflection - Casts a magical debuff (on a random player in range other than the player with aggro) that heals Lord Kazzak for a very large proportion of his health (was 25,000 pre-Burning Crusade) each time he deals damage to the player with this debuff. This combined with the Shadowbolt Volley can ruin the attempt.
  • Mark of Kazzak - Casts a non-curable debuff (on a random player in range with mana) that drains the target's mana for 5% per second and explodes for 5,000 (pre-Burning Crusade) AoE damage when there is no more mana to drain. A living bomb. Lasts 8 seconds.
  • Cleave - Doom Lord Kazzak's Cleave can be avoided if the melee stand behind him. The range of the Cleave seems to be greater than the typical 5yd melee range attack, and seems to extend somewhere between 10-15 yards. The Cleave acts as a Chain Cleave and hits between 6,500-15,000. The dramatic increase in damage may be a result of the Cleave chaining, and increasing in damage dealt as it hits more people. Another idea is that the Cleave is limited in the number of targets it hits.
  • Thunderclap - A PBAoE spell, deals 2,200-2,500 nature damage. Slows movement speed by 60% and attack speed by 30%.
  • Void Bolt - A strong bolt he likes to spam, deals 1000-2000 shadow damage to all players in a very large range. Used when no one is within melee range.
  • Capture Soul - When a player gets killed, Lord Kazzak casts this spell to instantly regenerate a large amount of health (150,000hp roughly 10%). Opposing faction kills does not trigger this ability.
  • Enrage - After 54 seconds Doom Lord Kazzak will enrage, increasing his attack damage by 30%. At this time, Doom Lord Kazzak will send out 6 waves of Shadowbolt Volley. Enrage is a temporary buff that ends after the 6th volley.

Suggested Strategy:

Pre-Pull Positioning
Prior to the pull have the entire raid bunch up just Southeast of the ramp going up to Kazzak. Keep in mind Kazzak has a very wide agro range and you need to get close, but not too close. Also, make sure that you pull and clear all of the mobs around the platform Kazzak is standing on, especially the fire elementals, or they might decide to join into the fight and cause extra problems you won't want to deal with.


The Pull
Your Main Tank simply needs to run up to the bottom of the ramp leading up to Kazzak. Kazzak will agro and the Main Tank simply needs to spin him around so he is facing away from the raid (Kazzak should be facing North, towards where he is typically standing).

Having a Hunter to Misdirect pull Kazzak can also simplify things for the Main Tank greatly. Simply have the Main Tank stand just South of the ramp and have the Hunter pull Kazzak onto the Main Tank with Misdirection. The Main Tank can then reposition Kazzak accordingly.

The key during this part of the fight is for the tank to end up on the ramp with Kazzak facing away from the raid. Healers will need to heal the Main Tank, while making sure to not draw agro, while he moves Kazzak into position since he will be taking heavy damage right off the bat. The raid will also most likely need to move closer to Kazzak from their starting point to get in range.


Before Enrage Number 1
Once the Main Tank has Kazzak in position, the melee DPS can move into position behind Kazzak and the raid can commence with DPSing Kazzak down.

During this first portion of the fight, the goal is to do as much damage as you can without drawing agro off of the Main Tank. Use Invisibility, Soul Shatter, Feign Death, Vanish, etc to give you more room to DPS down the boss without having to worry about pulling agro.

Healers need to keep people topped off and the raid needs to make sure there are people assigned to dispelling the Twisted Reflection debuff the moment it is applied to raid members.

If anyone receives the Mark of Kazzak they need to pay special attention to their mana bar and do everything in their power to avoid getting below 50% mana.

Dealing with the 1st Enrage - Heal Through It
After 55 seconds have passed Kazzak will Enrage and quickly cast 6 Shadowbolt Volleys into the raid doing massive raid damage (as much as 18K per raid member). Make sure the raid has Shadow Protection and ideally every member of the raid should have a Shadow Protection potion ready and waiting. The moment Kazzak Enrages have every member of your raid pop their potion and then use a Healthstone once they have taken a few Shadowbolt Volleys. In addition, have the healers spam cast group heals and do everything they can to keep raid members topped off. During this time, continue your massive DPS push on Kazzak and be mindful to continue dispelling, watching your mana and the like.

Above all else, keep calm...panic kills.

Before Enrage Number 2
Once the first Enrage has ended the healers should top off the raid again and continue massive DPS on Kazzak.

Dealing with the 2nd Enrage - Fun with Paladins
10 seconds prior to the second Enrage the entire raid (except the Main Tank and the Paladins) should turn and run as far away from Kazzak as they can go. Ideally the raid will move directly South to the base of the hills that form the Southern ridge of the Throne of Kil'Jaeden. This will put you out of combat and out of range of the Shadowbolt Volleys that Kazzak throws out during his Enraged period.

The ONLY people who should remain are the Main Tank and all of the Paladins. The moment Kazzak Enrages for the second time, the Paladins should cast their bubbles and begin spam healing the Main Tank in order to keep him up.

As the 5th Shadowbolt Volley is cast, the ENTIRE raid who ran away should make their way back to Kazzak asap and continue DPS/healing as before.


Before Enrage Number 3
Once again, the raid needs to resume its DPS and do its best to take down Kazzak. This is the raids last shot at taking him down.

Dealing with the 3rd Enrage - Heal and Pray
At this point, your best bet is to just spam heal as best you can and hope you live through another Enrage. Typically speaking, if you haven't taken down Kazzak by this point, you are probably going to have a hard time dealing with this encounter.

You can continue to have raid members run away for the Enrage portions and have the healers just spam heal themselves and the Main Tank to keep themselves alive, but if you end up doing that, you are pushing your luck and if a healer gets the Mark of Kazzak you are most likely done for.
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