Dear Mother Nature:

Started by capnpop, April 25, 2008, 07:03:44 AM

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I love you, but I hate you....

Weather from 2 mins ago:


Part 2:

only 3-5 inches of snow today with the possibility of another inch overnight....

fiere redfern

Oof, and here I was annoyed at myself because it's gotten cool enough to wear a sweatshirt and I forgot to bring mine to work today =/


And 2 of my kids haven't even seen snow!


its been raining on and off through out today. took my lil bro and sis to parks around teh place with my girlfriend, and christ it was cold. i was wearing a woolen jumper and an overcoat.

nice to get rain tho.


capn: QQ

I took my kids out last weekond on saturday and it was in the high 70's...took them out in shorts the next day and it was in the 50's...unless your in phoenix, weather is just damn variable anywhere these days...