omg it never ends...

Started by elsabet, October 16, 2008, 02:53:25 PM

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warning: may contain(s) ranting lol

Omg it never ends with this update... the addons, the ui resets for all toons, hours of time to get it working.  So feeling a false sense of security this morning I was a good girl and stayed offline morning to do some housework and RL things thinking that my WoW game would be there whenever I got to it.   When I finally went to play, expecting everything to actually work, I find another damn patch update and it won't install!

"The file "Interface\GLUES\LoadingScreens\LoadScreenKarazhan.blp" in archive "C:\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS\locale-enUS.MPQ" could not be opened, because an error 2 occurred. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. "

Nice little error message huh?  GRRRR

Ran repair.exe , got error message that repairs are too big and need to reinstall.  Checked the bliz tech support site and got a useless message about checking the installation cd's...went to the forums, found this helpful post:;jsessionid=87EACEC7369F06C5B06A5CC08FA46624.app25_01?topicId=11162846359&sid=1&pageNo=15

Currently working on downloading patch update and manual install of gigantic patches.  GRRRR

Thanks for letting me vent  :(  Maybe someday I'll actually be able to play this stupid game again.
