Easily Missed Kalimdor Quests

Started by Shadowwolf, January 07, 2009, 10:37:39 PM

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Heres a list of some easily missed quests in Kalimdor if you are looking to finish the Loremaster achievements:

[quest=9528]A Cry For Help[/quest] (Azuremyst Isle - 13,72)

[quest=938]Mist[/quest] (Teldrassil - 31,31)

[quest=5713]One Shot. One Kill.[/quest] (Darkshore - 45,90)

[quest=1271]Feast at the Blue Recluse[/quest] (Stormwind 51,93) Only doable if you finished [quest=1222]Stinky's Escape[/quest] in Dustwallow.

[quest=9576]Cruelfin's Necklace[/quest] (Bloodmyst Isle - Cruelfin Patrols the beach from 33,92 to 49,93, quest item is a drop off him)

[quest=1090]Gerenzo's Orders[/quest] (Stonetalon Mountains - 71,60 at the bottom of the mine)

Also...do the Tier 0.5 Chain of quests. There is a large amount that span both continents and they all count toward the quest completions for both Kalimdor and EK. It starts with: An Earnest Proposition and if you happened to have already started it and trashed your [item]Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer[/item], you can get a replacement from Mux Manascrambler in Tanaris.
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