Soulcage hits level 50

Started by soulcage, October 21, 2006, 02:03:09 AM

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After 4 servers (Malygos, Malfurion, Skywall, and Alexstrasza) and 19 characters over the level of 17, I, Soulcage, have finally made level 50! Yes!  Finally, since I purchased the game in December of 2004, I found the one class that suits my playing style (Warlock), a comfortable server to play in, and a guild that is friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful to all guildmates (including those under level 50), also to mention incredibly professional and organized.

I’m level 50, looking forward to questing and raiding with all of you at level 60.  Thanks for all your help and advice with my characters, (for without it I would probably still be a level 20-something in the Redridge Mountains), as well as making this guild such a wonderful environment to play in. 

Cheers friends.


P.S. - I also found that druids, shamans, and mages fit my playing style.  I’ll see you all at level 60... in the year 2010.  :(

P.S.S. - I plan to make a paladin and rouge when the expansion comes out.  I'll see you all at level 60... in my dreams :(


GRATZ!! Soul

best lucks in the way to 60 :)


Big Grats, Soul!

Around lvl 54-55 I think it is, you can start running BRD.  Then I think it's 56-57 for LBRS and 58 for UBRS.  59 I think for ZG.  So you're almost there, then you can start raiding with us.  If you need any help with quests, just yell.  I have both my druid and my priest I can help with.  I also have a lvl 49 mage I can quest with you with.  I'd really like to get her a few lvls anyways.


Sweet miracles, ya made it, Soulcage. Congratulations! Now get 60 before the expansion and you will really rock in my book of cool people. Well, you do that anyway, so just a challenge for ya.


Grats Soulcage

I am sure it was lots of hard work.. the grind from 50-60 is easier than 35-45 fortunately.  The end is in sight!!



I hear ya, Soul - I'm in exactly the same boat!

Congrats  :pumpk8:


Congrats on level 50 Soulcage! You'll be 60 before you know it.


Congrats Soulcage...I hated the grind from 50 to 60 but thats just me. It shouldn't be that bad if you're having fun...I on the other hand was dying a lot in BG. :'(


Congrats Soulcage (and Un4)!
50-60 went pretty quick for me. I had so many quests that I was constantly at 19 (so I could get a quest during a run if I had to) for the longest time.  But that's not because I wasn't finishing them, there were just so many to do.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.

