Why alliance doesn't win BGs

Started by capnpop, November 10, 2006, 07:48:01 PM

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So, TB and I were dueling outside IF today and a few random people started joining in and challenging us. I figured why not and started playing around.  I'm currently 30/21/0 which gives me killer DoTs but not much for burst dmg.  I split a couple with a rogue and got challenged by a mage.  I lost to this mage (we'll call him mage1) and was challenged by a warrior.  For this warr I pulled out my VW.  Started with DoTs and as soon as he started hitting me I popped my VW shield.  ReDotted while shielded, Death Coiled, did my .5 sec 2nd VW and a VW shield again and go in for a swing with my dagger (firey enchant with firestone)...ended with 100% hps and the final blow was melee.

He called me a cheater...i told him he just got melee'd by a warlock...he quit talking then

so mage1 comes back for another win...i get mana'd up again and take another route with him...pull out my felpuppy and try my hand again...he was set to passive so he just sat there as i got rocked by the mage again...this time i heal up and challenge him.  The next 4-5 duels involve him running around like a crazy person and unable to hit me with anything due to my felpuppy silencing him and me just chain fearing him.  He was in all epics (t2 or 3 maybe...i don't recognize the sets) and asked me how i was beating him with blues and greens...i told him to lrn2play.

Final duel was a warr who didn't know how to play....i dotted him and just ran around in circles...he was nearly done when he finally got a hamstring in...i popped a VW shield and just stood there...

Moral of the story: know what classes can and can't do before you start talking, you may have your head served up before you realize what's going on...


Alternative moral: roll rogue and kill whatever moves!  :pumpk_pie: