Stopping by ...

Started by Lynette, November 12, 2010, 10:48:00 PM

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Hey folks.  Been wanting to drop by for some time now and say hi.  I see Twilight continues to roll along seemingly without missing a beat.  WTG Shadow!

After leaving WoW last year, I decided to take a long break from all gaming in order to get better balance in my life.  I rediscovered fitness and promptly lost a ton of weight, and am now feeling better than ever.  I've contemplated a return to WoW in a limited capacity for awhile now, primarily because I miss my online friends here and enjoyed the joys/pain (2 steps fwd, 1 step bkwd) that came with raiding.  However, the Lich King xpac just didn't hold my interest like BC did and I figured any return would be short lived.

With the new xpac forthcoming, what are folks opinions?  Will the game continue down the path of LK, return to the days of BC/classic, or something else entirely?  I'm sure many of you are eagerly awaiting those first months of new content, level grinding, and upgrades galore.  I miss that stuff...

All the best...Lyn


Heya Lyn, glad to hear you're feeling better about yourself, always a good thing.

The game has already changed quite a bit from how LK worked and we're all still getting used to the changes.  There's still balance issues being addressed and bugs galore to fix in the coming month so it's hard to say definitively what path is being taken.  It's not LK and doesn't feel like BC either (though I'm not in beta, so idk).  It's a new direction of "simpler stats and talents" to keep the gear requirement for different roles about the same (disc/holy/shadow priest can wear all the same gear, etc.) and supposedly CC will make a comeback in Cata.

For me, I'm personally annoyed with what I consider a vast number of bugs in play and if Blizz considers this acceptable when Cata is released, my enthusiasm for WoW will wane considerably.  I am hoping their lack of fixing bugs on live right now is due to them concentrating on making sure it's all fixed in Cata and getting that ready for launch.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.

fiere redfern

Lynette! Miss you, buddy.

I've been away from the game on an all but casual basis for the past couple months, myself. I'm pretty excited to see what Cataclysm will bring, though mostly I'm just hoping to get some time for myself and play with the guild again, heh. Give a shout if/when you do hop back online, I'd love to run some dungeons with you again :)


Hey Lyn,

Yea Cata is def shaping up to be a radical change to WoW for certain. Some things look good, some idk, but its definitely going to be worth trying at least. Will be nice to play around in the old world zones again for sure.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Heya Lyn!!

I myself have also not been really active in the past couple of months due to school...but from what I've read and seen about Cata, a lot is changing and I think it's gonna be pretty fun to relearn all those stuff and maybe level a new alt with all the changes taking place.

It would be great to see back and
Quote from: fiere redfern on November 13, 2010, 11:27:14 AM
Give a shout if/when you do hop back online, I'd love to run some dungeons with you again :)


Hey Lyn, great to hear from you!  Hope to see you around!   :)


Hey, Lyn!  Glad to hear things are well with you  :Werewolf: