Instances maybe too easy now?

Started by Arcdelad, December 06, 2006, 08:21:10 AM

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I'm good on the gold now. I have enough to respec and train up on Mutilate. However, during ZG, I topped the DPS meter for a bit (Grendeel gives me awesome competition). And Cloak of Shadows saved my life twice against the bat boss. Prep allowed me to use vanish 3 times against Gri'lek when he focused on trying to kill me. Premed allows me to have 5 cp on a mob after a garrote, then I hit the boss with a rupture to start my dots.

In other words, I will stay where I am at for now and train up. Thanks for the offers of gold though.

p.s. my bitching and whining will be less now (rogues still got the nerf nuke (i.e. sloooow energy regeneration) and a ton of bugs (why stealth or vanish?).


Your not alone TB. Take a look at the WoW Priest forums......


Set progress: D0/D1: 2/8, T1: 4/8, T2: 3/8, T3: 0/9, T4: 4/5, T5: 3/5, T6: 2/8, T7: 1/5, T8:4/5, T9: 3/5, T10: 0/5


dunno emma....geno is like christie alley waiting for krispie kreme to open for your power infusion....


Heh, that's actually part of the issue a lot of priests are having: The feeling that our talent points are essentially being used as other people's TP's. It's just evident, based on our new talents and some other dynamics in-game, that the refinements given to other classes were not given to us. Being 2-shot by a hunter in nearly every BG I'm in hasn't helped the motivational process either  >:(


Set progress: D0/D1: 2/8, T1: 4/8, T2: 3/8, T3: 0/9, T4: 4/5, T5: 3/5, T6: 2/8, T7: 1/5, T8:4/5, T9: 3/5, T10: 0/5


yeah....that is a very good point....

but isnt the nature of a priest rols to be a support class instead of the person who is going to top the damage meter? IMHO, and bear in mind i have a level 17 priest i can barely stand to play, so i know nothing, it seems that this would only make your support all the more effective...


Quote from: Thingiebob on December 06, 2006, 01:02:17 PM
Quote from: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 12:31:56 PM
the whole meeting stone portiong was really nice.....gren who?!?!?!? :P (just kidding gren...we love ya even if we dont need your ports anymore :P)

Mean, man. Juts mean. Yet strangely funny.

It was awesome to finally port Gren! <3