Gear in relation to classes...

Started by Shadowwolf, October 15, 2006, 10:26:13 PM

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Quote from: Jandris on October 17, 2006, 06:32:25 AM
Well here is my 2 cents- I don't see how you can not be split on this when you have hybrid classes. Priests, Restro Druids and Healing Pallys can all benefit from cloth items. That said I think that our guild members are very undertanding  of the needs of others. I have passed & have seen others pass on items that they could have used but would benefit others more. We never seem to have a roll on equipment problem when it is just us. The PUG priest won this item, this was the second one to drop - I have to wonder why this priest needed two of them. We all have experiences with pug runs & with other guilds & know what it is like to be denied a chance on loot, to see it go to their other guild member, who certainly didn't need it. I think we need to keep in mind that the issue was caused by a non-guild player. I can not imagine this ever happening with two guild members.

its not so much about other ppl we take with us, at least not that I see, when another person runs with our guild we make the loot rules and if they dont like it they can leave, I dont think we need to change all our loot rules just because a few people in the raid aren't twilight members. Aside for what gear goes to what class we have a very fair loot rule, need on coins and 1 blue or 1 epic. This gives everyone a chance at winning something. I think i feel so strongly on this point because when I was a priest it always sucked to see all the other classes rolling on stuff I could only wish I was able to roll on. Like on dmg gear(i was holy spec'ed but who says I dont like to pvp once in a while and dish out my own damage). Letting pallies roll on leather and cloth literarly triples their chances of winning something vs. any other class. Priests and other clothies get few options when it comes to drops for their class and having another class compete with them makes it all the more difficult to upgrade.
With our guild where we dont have greedy people, its definetly making a lot of this discussion trivial because its no big deal if a pally wins a cloth when a priest rolled as well. But I think its nice to be FAIR, I really don't think its fair to the toughest and rarest class of the game to say that sorry, that mage can use this cloth better cuz its dmg based and your holy speced...oh no wait, sorry that pally is also holy speced and he would like to upgrade his gear with cloth.

When plate for pallies drops in ZG priests can't upgrade, but the pallies who rolled on that cloth will gladly replace it even if it gimps their stats in one area just by a little. Another 300 armor vs. +5healing and maybe a few int...ya i'd replace that cloth in a heartbeat. That very same cloth that a priest could have still been using.

Perhaps all this isn't so bad however if we let pallies roll on the more common blue cloth drops that we usually see from the bosses, but when it starts coming to epics or far more rare blues that are geared towards healing and are cloth, I think we should def give priests a priority.


Quote from: un4given_one on October 16, 2006, 08:16:52 PM
If you don't like loot issues, try finding daggers without devoting your life to 'em  :P

Heh, good point ;)


Still can't say it didn't hurt when Gren and I were doing world dragons with Bloodlust and Identity Crisis, [wowitem]Gloves of Delusional Power[/wowitem] dropped and a druid's 97 beat my 93....they wanted "damage gear"  :(


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