happy birthday twilight!

Started by MaddenKage, June 13, 2011, 02:50:44 PM

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Gratz on the 5 year anniversary!  Good luck everyone! :)

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place ><


Well thank you but that was over 3 months ago  :laugh:
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Heh I kinda figured as much shadow, my friend tokiko has mentioned the idea reactivating his account and us playing wow again saying I should re-app to twilight and play with him.  Made me think about all you guys, you haven't been forgotten!  After I left twilight wow was dead to me all I would do is arch, pug old world raids, or solo them. I tried being an unguilded "raider" but it was not fun at all especially when  I am just backing up people basically having to stay up past midnight and possibly not even being needed.  I decided to spend the rest of my post-twilight wow career unguilded, being a loner had few advantages (especially with the guild perk system) but in the end wow is all about the people you surround yourself with not the content you explore. Those are my feelings at least.  I was thoroughly surprised when I saw I was able to post I wasn't expecting my post to go through. I figured myself banned.

  I now surround myself with friends always  having fun and such  :mana_vial:  :jack_daniels: :Fosters_Pack: :Victoria_Bitter: :carlton_draught:.  Been playing Dungeons and Dragons with some friends I feel like I have reached the ultimate in nerdem! :)  I am a wizard of course!  My days with mmos are over, I have learned that mmos are not the best outlet for me to live through socially though I dearly miss many of you!  Some of my friends visibly blanch when I mention wow lol and they remember the guy that when invited to a social gathering, always "had a raid". I spent some of my best years growing with you guys learning from mistakes and trying to better myself.  Deep down it saddens me that I am going to be out of the wow lingo lol.  I'll never forget people like Gren, lyte, dharq, creole(oilslick I always preferred creole!), raif, and of course the best gm on alex shadow.  Well guess I am out of meaningful things to say at this time. (If you cynically feel as though none of my post is meaningful I will not begrudge you! :) )  So good luck and I'll be waiting for twilight's 6th anniversary!  (Not skulking in the corner murmuring precious...  :) )

P.S. Diablo 3 needs to hurry up!