Am i bad at healing?

Started by Muridin, January 22, 2007, 02:47:09 AM

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Ok, now im am rather PO'd atm, so if i so anything to offend anyone .... TOUGH!!!

I got asked to go to BRD recently, and upon arrival at the instance, i asked who would be healing ..... of coure being a pally, it was gonna be me. And i didnt mind.

but when someone in the group, and they know who they are if they read this, made a comment about me and my healing skills, its true to say i was hurt. They said more or less i was shite at it, that im a useless healer. That they wouldnt trust me with their LIFE!!!

So i want you wonderful people that read these forums to tell me .... am i a bad healer.

Be honest with me folks, i can handle it.  I would like god honest opinions on my healing skills.

And just a word of caution, from now on, if anyone wants a healer for a group, come see me last. ALWAYS

Cos what that person said about me from the start, and when our healer dropped out, and another person sniped at wat i was doing, really did hurt me. And really did put me off healing.


I have to admit that I don't know how the other people are doing because I am concentrating on myself - so I can't answer the question on how you are as a healer. However I do know that if there are problems with an instance usually the first person blamed is the healer. The other person that gets blamed is the tank, so you hear comments like he can't heal - he can't hold aggro etc. In the end all that matters is are you comfortable with your performance, did you do the best you could given the circumstances. Realize that pallys are meant to be backup healers not main healers.


Muridin, I do have to say the instance we did with you healing, well, imho, you did an excellent job.
I can assume that it was someone in the guild that made those comments to you. This is really unacceptable as a member of Twilight to be insulting another member. We are here to help each other out. If you have a bad insult to throw at someone, create a healer of any class and see how hard it is to heal, then think about the comments you make.

A healing class is undoubtedly the hardest class to play. You have to pay attention to everything that is going on around you. Respect that.

Another thing, there has been a lot of stuff going on between people in the guild. I haven't seen anything like it until the expansion came out. If you have a personal issue with someone, keep it personal, don't put it in guild chat. If you need an officer to get involved, then contact one of us.
Remember, this is just a game. We don't need to be like a lot of these people in other guilds, stealing mobs, dumping aggro, being excessively rude. That's not Twilight. Let's reign ourselves in and be who we are.


Ok, being completely honest, there were times last night during our rampart run that I felt you should have helped Taedrek heal a bit more during fights when he was low on mana or when we had bad pulls, which is why I would tell you that in group chat.  But as you posted previously, I think it was more of you being distracted by your family than your lack of ability.  And when I asked you to help Taedrek when he was needing help, you jumped right on it.  Again, I think you were just distracted by your family last night.


Let me first off say that healing is a thankless job.  The guild is great for recognising that when the party/raid doesnt wipe, the healers have done a good job :).  Not everyone thinks that way :(.  Moreover, lots of people have a preconception that pallies dont make good healers.  I have to agree that with the gear that blizz gives us (pre-BC Plate), pallies were not good healers.  In a 5 man (Pre BC), you really needed to have >+500 healing or very well equiped players to main heal a 5man instance.  It is really hard to do it with less.

I dont have any first hand experience with you as healer and me as tank/DPS. 

Previously, you had indicated that you werent that interested in healing, and didnt really have the gear or build to be the best healer.  If you have repecced holy and have some BC healing pieces, I think you would be a very capable healer.  Also, BRD is a very tough instance to heal... you often get runners who aggro the next mobs... without good crowd control, its easy to wipe in there.  Dont let it get to you, healers are usually the first ones blamed.  If people dont like your healing, dont give them any... hehe

Smile, tomorrow is a new day.. or in Australia, is that yesterday?   ;)



mur: i feel a kinship with you on this issue...we are both in classes that can heal, but are bothed speced in ways that make us healing not always the best idea...I know that when I heal I have constant mana supply issues and all my spells are underpowered becuase i dont have any talent points in healing related talents...I also know that you generally dont want to heal (just like i generally dont want to heal) but when you need to you do yor best without complaint...maybe the person in BRD is of the opinion that pallies should keep everyone's health at 95%+ at all times and doesnt understand that there are three talent trees and not every pally is a healadin...

TB: i think you bring up a great subject that noone wants to talk about. There has been some really bad behavior in guild chat lately...i dont know if its a) the swell of new members lately, b) TBC causing people to be overly competitive with each other, or anyother reason...I would ask though that people respect other people's pace at going through TBC or not at all. Some people want to get to 70 as quickly as possible - great. Some people will get there in 5 months - great too. Just make sure you respect each other...its not a competition...

I do think we the officers need to step it up a guys are ALL my friends - I have great respect for the officers, but i think with the swell in twilight population + TBC coming out it takes more from the officers than usual, ie helping people with questions, running things like ZG and such if required, etc etc. Maybe we need to replace emma and get more "officerage" out there...i certainly think that goss, geno, voc, or kaid would fill the role raelly nicely.


"officerage"?? c'mon arc, have you just given up on the english language?:)

I haven't noticed any of this poor behavior in guild chat (probably because i'm too busy fighting to tag mobs :P) but if it is happening it definitely needs to stop.  Let's not forget we are still a family who is working together and leave the bloodthirsty competition and nasty language to the big raiding guilds who like to curse you out in public chat bubbles :(

We're all having our personal struggles with TBC but the one thing we have that a lot of others don't is an amazing guild to go through them all with.  Let's keep that in mind at all times and we'll all be much happier after the rest of the world (of warcraft) has destroyed itself in a storm of ugliness.


Well I've never ran with you as a healer muri but all my experiences have been good with you I would have to say. Also the point that healers always get the blame is so true to many ppl who just think I do the most damage so I must be the best not the case at all without a healer to heal those ppl they wouldnt last five secs but then when they cant controll there aggro and die its suddenly the healers fault dont take things personally if somone made ya mad muri it happens to the best of us we cant make everyone happy its the same as in life and wow.


Muri, From my experiance with you being healer, ive never had a problem with it..and like Jan said if your confortable with what you do as a healer thats all that matters, if you do your best let them think what ever they want.

And who ever thinks paladins are bad healers..some of the best healers i know are paladins.

And if in fact it was a guild member doing this imo you should talk to an officer about it because that kind of thing shouldnt be tolerated and i dont know of anyone in the guild that would do that  :o

So keep your chin up Mur and just do what you do man  :D


i haven't really been in a 5man with ya mur but you really don't need other people to tell if your good or not - you are the person who knows that best. If your group isn't over pulling and you have a competent tank that keeps agro off the healer and all your dps focuses on one target - if someone dies then it is probably your fault, but if you see them over pulling or not focusing on one target at a time or mobs are bashing on you, whoever dies, it aint your fault and they can't blame you. You can also always download the damage meter and compare your overall healing with your net healing and you will know exactly how effective you are.


You should take up your dissatisfaction with whomever said whatever it was to you directly and find out why they said what they said. You're interpretation could have been made out of context but you wont know till you talk to them. Everyone here I believe is civil enough to have a conversation about that without getting hot under the collar. At the same time, like Lyte said, maybe they were saying what they said because of experience with you when you were distracted and thats the only basis of example they have of your healing not knowing you were distracted. At the same time it could be a form of "joshing" you for the sake of kidding around. All these things you wont know till you talk to them.

You never know, maybe they can cite some specifics for you that you can take from and improve your ability on and change their opinion, who knows.

*/ Begin topic skew /*

Theres definitely been some tension since BC came out amongst the guild. I sit quietly playing my new priest and I observe, jumping in when I see a need only, but theres no doubt theres been some stress since its release for some.

Chat has been crazy lately but the last few days seems to be calming down. With crazy I mean link spam, link-a-thon, ranting, etc. I mean cmon guys. We dont need to see every new item from BC in chat every time it drops. We know now the items in green in Outlands trumps most purples in old world. Ease up a bit is all. Its getting better but theres times its a link festival still. Also, save the big rants for the forum, please. Dont kick start one in chat with 30-40 people online =P, it turns into a jumbled mess when a rant comment stirs someone up the wrong way and then an argument breaks out. Take it to tells or start a raid group for it and hash it out, dont subject the rest of us please. When people have to turn off guild chat because its a distraction I get mad, that should never happen IMO, ever.

Some are looking to be a bit frustrated and I fearfully see some slight resentment and inadequacy feeling brewing because they arent as high a level as some others who are moving on up to 70 rather quickly. Guys, its not a race, its not a competition, its none of that. Just because BC has been out for a week and you are only 60 or 61 doesnt mean you suck, are a bad player, cant level worth a damn, none of that. Enjoy the game at your own pace, hell all of my 60s are still 60s. Personally Id rather level my Draenei right now and Ill get to my other characters when I feel like it. If someone is trying to turn it into a race and poking fun at someone about not being as high a level as them yet, you arent going to like me much as im going to be talking to you about it. I dont want to see bets being made about who will reach it first, etc in chat. Thats wrong to do and if you wish to do it between others, keep it private, dont make it a public event.

Just take a breather all. Calm down, relax, slow it up if you have to, and enjoy the game. Dont stress about keeping pace in level with Invictus or whomever. Screw them, let them blow thru the levels and be the "first to raid Khaz" or whatever their plans might be. Think about that sort of thing honestly for a moment. These people are first to accomplish these things in a virtual world. When was the last time your mother bragged to her friends that her son or daughter was the first to level to 70? Yes its an accomplishment if you yourself set it as a goal for your own achievement, but when you are out to do it for the sake of making claim to others as being the first, best, whatever, thats pretty sad. Theres no extra legendary item for the first to reach 70, theres no ticker tape parade, theres nothing but a hefty spell/talent bill for new 70 skills and boredom being one of the first few and left with having to wait for the rest of the server to catch up. Trust me, I know as I was one of the first few 60s on this server, it was pretty boring for a few weeks while I waited for friends of mine to catch up so we could run instances together again, and I didnt race, it just happened to work out that way.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


thanks for the kind words everyone

and no offence intended shadow, i feel i had a small right to get a little hot under the collar, as the comments made to me hurt me
although they couldve been made in fun, it still did get to me, as im not as good as others are

but, you guys are the best at making me feel good, and more than most, the healers who piped up.... it is hard, and the idiots that make bad comments to healers, should roll a healer and see what its like ....

thank you all, you made me feel better


Well, Mur, I've never been in a group where you've healed for me, but I'm sure you're fine.  I've tanked, DPSed, and healed before, and I can honestly say that the healers will get the most flack - even when they're doing their job.  Don't take it to heart :)


Quote from: Muridin on January 22, 2007, 05:19:56 PM
and no offence intended shadow, i feel i had a small right to get a little hot under the collar, as the comments made to me hurt me

You misunderstood my words. I meant that I believe everyone here can discuss everything civilized when handled on a 1 to 1 basis and not flip out on one another when someone says something that can be construed as insulting. I never said you didnt have a right to be upset.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


ah, ok :)

well, i feel a little more comfortable healing than i did before, thanks to everyone :D