Gonna be off wow a few days :(

Started by Dylon, February 26, 2007, 05:35:16 PM

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Well...it seems my card has rn out and i lack the runds to buy another one..so another addict bites the dust   (until i get enough money for another card)


Happened to me a while back, but I'm still here.  We'll miss ya!


Cya soon dyl. Hope you get that money soon  ;)


gl with the getting moneys for the card ....

btw, wat happens if u dont have a CC subscription and a pre-paid card runs out? does teh account get deleted or what?



no, lol  it doesnt get deleted, all that happens is whats goin on now, i dont act access to the account until i activate another game card  :p   so my Warrior and shaman will sit and rot, unleveled  :(   for now..


awh :( thats sucks, here are some tips for making a bit money: :o
go walk you're neighbours dogz, clean the house/ cook...., do you're friends homeworks ( sorry all the teachers in the guild  ;D) a few of my classmates make g00d money by doing others homeworks.
To play WoW even I would write extra homework!! :-\


I dont even do my own homework, haha


I have to do it to get on WoW...not that i can before that...