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LOTR Pre-Order

Started by Luise, April 14, 2007, 10:48:44 PM

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The boys have been hassling me (begging, offering to do all sorts of work round the house, offering to lvl my character, etc. etc. - I love it!) about pre-ordering LOTR.
I just want to ask if our guild is already organised in a "guild" in the pre-order and if so, what realm they are in. O don't know much about the game yet - but I gather they will have the equivalent of wow guilds and realms.
In the FAQ it says Australia and NZ can pre-order, so I will make enquiries in the next day or so.
And if anyone has been playing it- I remember a forum a while ago where it was mentioned- have they paid up the $199 US for a lifetime membership and if they think it is worth it.

thanks   :)


the reason they are offering to preorder so that u dont pay a monthly fee is cuz if the game is a flop then they dont care and if it works out then they will make cash off you from expansion after expansion...which is why im not buying into it.


i only have time in my life for one MMORPG...or one videogames for that matter.....I really enjoy wow, especially after playing EQ1, and EQ2 quite a bit before i played wow...also ive heard that game isnt that great..

I wont be buying it anyway...


I just bought it- so I'll let you know when I get a chance to play- kids are on it at present :)
by the way-we are on the realm Arkenstone. I have a hobbit called Lilflower and my eldest son has a dwarf called Dowen.


I was all into buying it when it comes out on the 24th, but I have decided against it. If I hadn't started pvp in WoW, I would buy it. This game is going to have Monster vs. Player, which doesn't sound tantalizing to me at all. Think about it:

ok, ok, I'm gonna be the Worg and you be Gandolf! I try to bite turned me to ashes, that wasn't fun....

I'm sure it's not gonna be that way, that was just ill humor. I've balanced pvp with grinding in WoW, so they offer a break for me. LOTR is kinda gonna be a 90% quest/grind 10% MvP. It just doesn't look fun to me.


I haven't done any pvp since BC came out- so i won't miss that much- I've really enjoyed questing and lvlling.
But my impressions so far- (only played for about 15 min).
Improvements: you start with bigger loot bags (and you can lock items in your loot bags so you don't accidently sell your mining pick, etc.)and your character holds 40 quests.
Ho hum: lots of copying off wow- killing wolves in beginer place now- sound familiar? Dwarf beginners place is covered in snow.
I've got a minstrel hobbit female- so I play my lute to increase the party's health, etc. bizarre, but interesting.
And the female dwarves and hobbits are better looking than the wow ones. :)

Still, the boys are really excited- and I love Tolkien's Mythology. They have also included Tom Bombadil and Old Man Willow- two disppointments for me when they left those out of the movie ( I do understand that a movie can be so long though). I have seen a Ringwraith harrasssing a hobbit- but you don't draw aggro-you just watch the scene. Hopefully at higher lvl we get to go for those guys.


i might get it, but im saving for a computer upgrade