Moving on up

Started by Nixphire, June 29, 2007, 07:22:33 AM

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After power leveling my way to 60 in under 8 days thanks to I have now landed in Outlands.
Be warned. I am coming!  ]:D

On a side note: Does anyone know of anything I should start getting done before I hit 70, farming wise, key wise, best quests and loot for a mage to look for while leveling?


Grats Nix!  If you need any help in outlands let me know.  Personally I use for any class to see what gear drops in what instances and from certain quests.  It will break loot down by class and in level order so you can map your way through gear as you level.  If you're looking at getting any of the reputation rewards then I would look into which factions you'll want to focus on.  Here is a place to start:

fiere redfern

Grats to you, Nix ^_^

Now stay there until I get back from Philly on Monday, we'll go questing together!


You will find that rep grinding is far less painful if you do dungeons as much as possible.  While quests continue to give rep past honored, the lower level dungeons all seem to stop at honored.  For Honor's Hold rep, for example, doing Ramparts and Blood Furnace (a few times each) before you complete all the HFP quests will put you well into honored before you leave the area.  Similarly, try to do as many Auch instances before you finish questing.  The side benefit is the XP/hour in BC dungeons is quite high. 

The rep to focus on is Lower City and Honors Hold.  These tend to be the hardest rep grinds.  As a mage, you may want to grind all the way to exalted with HH, as there is a very nice epic caster sword that many mages want.  About the only one better drops off of one of the final bosses in Kara :)


Grats Nix! 10 levels away from 3v3 arena team madness!


Congrats on 60 Nix, matter of time now before you are 70 and raiding with what Arc described best "The Twilight Juggernaut"  :carlton_draught:  :Victoria_Bitter:  :Fosters_Pack:


grats Nix. :)

Also a good idea to work on fishing and cooking if you're into that- just for the extra Stam and spirit.




grats Nix!!

i know when i dinged 60, i went on a 2 man raid to UC to dance with some hordies.....some danced with me, one ganked me..... i bubblehearthed out of was fun


Quote from: Muridin on June 30, 2007, 07:24:45 PM
grats Nix!!

i know when i dinged 60, i went on a 2 man raid to UC to dance with some hordies.....some danced with me, one ganked me..... i bubblehearthed out of was fun

Haha, that's awesome. Maybe I'll do that at 70, but eat their face instead (I'm not undead any more, so I can't litterally eat face :'()