Ogri'la quests

Started by Gutboy, September 07, 2007, 03:53:38 PM

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Leading up to our scheduled event for the Ogri'la group quests next week, I wanted to let people know a few things about them, if you don't already:

- They are part of the process to open up the daily quests up on the Ogri'la plateau in Blade's Edge. If you haven't started this, go find a big red ogre in Lower City and talk to him. (You will need at least a regular flying mount/flight form.)

- The group quests are not hard for 5 people, but the best part is that the goal items for each quest are lootable by anyone who is around after the bosses are killed. (I got mine by following a horde group and helping with DPS  ;D)

- When you finish these three (four?) quests, you get to see one of the funniest set pieces in the game. I won't spoil it for you, but be sure not to just fly away after turning in the last one...

- Once you get to a certain rep level with Skyguard (friendly or honored), you can take a free commuter ray between their post in Terrokar and the one in Blade's Edge, which gets you to the five or so dailies you can do up there, between them and the ogres.

- In doing Ogri'la and Skyguard dailies, you are rewarded, along with rep, with [wowitem]Apexis Shard[/wowitem]s -- before long, you'll have hundreds. These are used to buy Ogri'la goodies at the different rep levels... BUT, you also need one or more [wowitem]Apexis Crystal[/wowitem]s, which you can only get by killing summoned mobs in a group. I need these guys really bad -- even though I'm exalted I don't have any of the gear! So, if anyone gets to the point where they want to tackle some of these mobs (3 or 4 people should be enough), PLEASE call me and I'll tank 'em! I'll even bring the shards for the summon...

For those of you not "on board" with daily quests yet, I'll be writing more about the various quests and how to get them when I have time. Most of them are definitely worth it on your way to your epic flyer, and even after that!


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


GB, you know I'll always be there for you!



Thanks for the writeup.  Since everyone can loot the items to advance their quests (regarldless if they were the group that got the kill), then this means anyone is welcome to join us next week - not just the 5 who signed up.  It would be helpful to have someone with us who has completed these quests before to speed things up.

And I would be happy to stick around afterward and help kill the summoned bosses for your gear.


Quote from: Lynette on September 07, 2007, 06:30:06 PM

Thanks for the writeup.  Since everyone can loot the items to advance their quests (regarldless if they were the group that got the kill), then this means anyone is welcome to join us next week - not just the 5 who signed up.  It would be helpful to have someone with us who has completed these quests before to speed things up.

And I would be happy to stick around afterward and help kill the summoned bosses for your gear.

Woooot, right on Lyn :D!

fiere redfern

^^ My thoughts exactly =)

GB, I'm at the point where I've been doing the dailies for a bit, but never seem to be in the mindset to go through the effort of trying to get a group together for the summoned monster quests  ::) so DEFINATELY count me in there  :)


I Have already done these quest and have the dailys, however I am like a child in that I get sidetracked and have not gotten back to them.
I will be happy to help in anyway that I can, be they individual or group quests.


Really nice write-up Gutboy, really appreciated.  To bad I won't be around to do this, still need to do the starter quests myself to.
"Don't be a Dick." - Wil Wheaton
"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." - Will Rogers


interesting point on the 5 man summoned mobs that drop the crystals:

the guardians summoned at the big memory game drop a crystal that is rolled on, the dragons drop a scale that you can combine one from each dragon(4 total) for a lvl 70 blue cloak of the something random. if you don't wan the cloak it can be turned in for a shard. so with a 5 man group it would take 5 guardians to get a shard of each person, but only 4 dragons, at 4 man its equal, if you 3 man it (easily doable as long as you have a good tank and healer) the gaurdians become more efficient.

just a random thought i had


Quote from: KittyPurple on September 09, 2007, 07:53:39 AM
interesting point on the 5 man summoned mobs that drop the crystals:

the guardians summoned at the big memory game drop a crystal that is rolled on, the dragons drop a scale that you can combine one from each dragon(4 total) for a lvl 70 blue cloak of the something random. if you don't wan the cloak it can be turned in for a shard. so with a 5 man group it would take 5 guardians to get a shard of each person, but only 4 dragons, at 4 man its equal, if you 3 man it (easily doable as long as you have a good tank and healer) the gaurdians become more efficient.

Yep that's right, except for "shard" read "crystal".  :)

We can try both, depending on what kind of group we get.


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


Are those Ogrilla quests the ones which involves killing Gruuls sons? That's the ones I have...


Quote from: Nefalkus on September 09, 2007, 03:44:04 PM
Are those Ogrilla quests the ones which involves killing Gruuls sons? That's the ones I have...

Yes and no. Killing Gruul's sons opens the quests from the Ogri'la faction for you.


A guild run of these quests is scheduled for this evening, and is open to anyone (lvl 70) who wishes to attend.

I will begin throwing out invites at 10:30pm server time, with our meeting place being Mog'dorg the Wizened in Blade's Edge near the Circle Of Blood.  If we end up with more than 5, we will form multiple groups (although we will not run this in a raid - will just use raid to get formed).

Please have the following quests (all given by Mog'dorg the Wizened) in your quest book before we begin:
[70+] Even Gronn Have Standards
[70+] Grulloc Has Two Skulls
[70+] Maggoc's Treasure Chest

Also, join the lynette chat channel if you plan to participate.  We will use this chat channel this evening to communicate if we are in multiple groups.


Im out of state today again but should be home tonight before this starts. I plan to take it easy tonight and roll around on the Rogue some more, need to break a little from the instances and raids before the Kara continuation tomorrow. At any rate, my chars are avail for fillin if need be as usual.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Thanks to everyone who came out for these. Other than some slowness running back to the circles on the warlock (like me  :(), it went really well, and I got my first Crystal as a bonus. I still need a bunch more though, so if anyone's ever interested in farming the demons or dragons there, call me and I'll help. (Probably don't even need a full group for them.)

hung over from too much ogre brew  :Fosters_Pack:

"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington


I'm sad I missed these :( something came up for me at the last moment.

Gl to me getting these done now lol.