Mage Macros

Started by Shadowwolf, September 08, 2007, 01:08:14 PM

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Would like to start this type of thread in each class board for class specific macros people find or create.

Focused Target Polymorph
To start it off, here is one I made for sheeping and keeping the sheeped target focused so that you dont have to change targets to resheep.

This works to sheep your focused target with the left click of the button, if you dont have a focused target, it will focus the current for you. If you want to resheep without changing your current target, just use the left click of the mouse. To sheep a different target and clear the focused target, use the right click of the mouse to cast.
#ShowToolTip Polymorph(Rank 4)
/clearfocus [button:2]
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph(Rank 4)

If you want to make your polymorph random from the different spells you have, the macro would look similar but like so:
#ShowToolTip Polymorph(Rank 4)
/clearfocus [button:2]
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/castrandom [target=focus] Polymorph(Rank 4), Polymorph: Pig, Polymorph: Turtle

You would need to remove any Polymorph spells you dont have known or the macro might error on you. If your mage isnt 70 also, you will need to adjust the Polymorph rank to the maximum rank you currently know.

Quick Counterspell

Here is a simple macro you can make to have a counterspell take priority over anything you might currently be casting such as a frostbolt or fireball. It will stop all current casts in progress and cast counterspell on your current target.

#showtooltip Counterspell
/cast Counterspell

Anti-Grounding Totem Icelance

This is a nice macro for PvP if you find yourself against a shaman and they drop a grounding totem. It will ice lance the totem so you can cast another higher rank harmful spell against the shaman or someone in that group.

#showtooltip Ice Lance
/focus target
/target [exists] Grounding Totem
/cast Ice Lance
/target focus
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Here's a nice Water Elemental macro. 1 button, 2 features. If your pet is active, it'll show the cool down on Freeze. Other wise, it'll show the summon Water Elemental.
Other then that, when the Water elemental is active, it'll cast it's Freeze with a click, very nice!

#showtooltip [pet] Freeze; Summon Water Elemental
/cast [nopet] Summon Water Elemental
/stopmacro [nopet]
/cast Freeze

/stopmacro [flying]
/dismount [mounted]
/use [nomounted,flyable] Swift Green Windrider
/stopmacro [flyable,nomodifier:alt]
/use [nomounted] Great White Kodo

#Showtooltip Arcane Intellect
/cast [button:1] Arcane Intellect
/cast [button:2] Arcane Brilliance

#showtooltip Ice Block
/cast Ice Block
/cancelaura Ice Block


just dont test this out in the middle of the arenas LOL


Quote from: Nixphire on November 05, 2007, 11:53:50 AM
(Haven't tried out this version yet, will try when I get home.)
Here's a nice Water Elemental macro. 1 button, 2 features. If your pet is active, it'll show the cool down on Freeze. Other wise, it'll show the summon Water Elemental.
Other then that, when the Water elemental is active, it'll cast it's Freeze with a click, very nice!

#showtooltip [pet] Freeze; Summon Water Elemental
/cast [nopet] Summon Water Elemental
/stopmacro [nopet]
/cast Freeze

I've been using this since ding 50 - it's very handy. I do recall however that "/cast Freeze" didn't work for me, but there's an equivalent which works fine. I forget what it is exactly (don't have the game running right now), but it clicks the fifth pet actionbar key.


Yes, castpetactionbar:5 or something like that is what I have. But I was reading that they changed the name of the spell to Freeze, since it previously what frost nova, which made it impossible for macros.


Trinket use - without errors (turn off error speech) I hear this will be partly broken in the patch?  I this it's just the stop casting or something (that you don't need it or whatever).

#showtooltip Fireball
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/cast Fireball

Pom nuking macro - I wanted to name a specific trinket because it did more + dmg.  (this was when I was arc/frost - my mage is full fire now)

#showtooltip Presence of Mind
/cast Arcane Power
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Xi'ri's Gift
/cast Frostbolt

random summon of pet (not mage specific but fun)

/castrandom Mechanical Chicken, Elekk Training Collar, Miniwing


For those that wonder "how does Koth make those nifty saying when casting a portal on Marnok?", here's your answer...

I just make a macro for each of the portal spells and change the text slightly between them.
/script local C; if(GetNumRaidMembers()==0) then C = "PARTY" else C = "RAID" end SendChatMessage("Opening dimentional slip 'n slide to >>> Shattrath <<<, I highly recommend sliding feet first.",C);
/cast Portal: Shattrath

Use the above to copy/paste.

/script local C; if(GetNumRaidMembers()==0) then C = "PARTY" else C = "RAID" end SendChatMessage("Opening dimentional slip 'n slide to >>> Shattrath <<<, I highly recommend sliding feet first.",C);
/cast Portal: Shattrath
I'm using a 2nd quote here to show you how to change it for other portals.  Replace the bold section for what you want to tell the group/raid.  Replace the italics with the spell to cast.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


Due to some changes since Shadow posted her sheeping macro, I've modified it so that it is now "current".

This works to sheep your focused target with the left click of the button, if you dont have a focused target, it will focus the current for you. If you want to resheep without changing your current target, just use the left click of the mouse. To sheep a different target and clear the focused target, use the right click (or shift+left click) of the mouse to cast.
#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Polymorph
/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists][button:2]  
/focus [target=focus,noexists]  
/castrandom [target=focus] Polymorph(Rank 4), Polymorph(Rank 1: Pig)

For those with the Turtle spell, add ", Polymorph(Rank 1:Turtle)" to the end of that macro.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.