Outlands Group Quests

Started by fiere redfern, September 21, 2007, 10:32:38 PM

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fiere redfern

Howdy folks,

I've got a couple group quests for SMV and HFP (the gorefiend quests, Zuluhud the Whacked, and the SH key quest to be precise) and was wondering if anyone would like to set a time/date to get together and knock (ideally) everything out. They're all pretty much five-mans, though a couple of the gorefiend quests can be done with two people. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be around until probably next weekend since I'm moving to philly as of tomorrow evening and then classes start um... Monday. Yeah. Fun, no?

So... tentatively, who thinks they'll be available late next Friday night? Say... 9p server-time? I'm not going to put anything on the schedule until I myself know better what next week will be looking like. First week of classes and all that rot.

And, if you only have one or two of the quests and I end up with 10 people wanting to go, we can do a substitution rotator-majigie.... or just form two groups and do the quests twice =P

Thanks in advance!



I'd be happy to bring along Aircath for any these quests.
"Don't be a Dick." - Wil Wheaton
"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." - Will Rogers


Era and I can help- we probably havent done them.
We are available Friday night and Sat night till around 4am game time. Also Sun and Mon next week because of holidays :)

fiere redfern

Awesome, thanks guys =)

My internet is rediculously spotty at the moment, so if I'm not online Friday, I apologize. My landlord called the internet provider (I get free 'net through them, whoo!) so they should be coming around tomorrow to boost the signal. Maybe put in another node a floor up, who knows. Stupid brick buildings what eat signal >.<


I don't need the quests but I'm happy to heal for you guys if you need me! Just whisper me or something if you're on on Friday!