Outfitter broken, Addons interfering

Started by usonian, February 13, 2008, 12:29:50 PM

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Has anyone had any problems with Outfitter today?  I tried to apply poisons to my weapons this afternoon and got a message that said the Blizz UI was blocking something Outfitter was doing and that I had to disable it before I could apply poisons.

I also have been getting random messages that say my addons are interfering with the UI or that an "action has failed because of an addon" in my chat log.  Nothing seems to be broken (except outfitter now) so I'm not sure what those messages mean.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

fiere redfern

I get the "action failed because of an addon" messages too, on occasion - generally if I've been too hasty and mashed a button that really didn't need it.

As for outfitter, I've had too many issues with that addon in the past for similar reasons - gear would get messed up, or I'd get strange error messages. I recently switched to ClosetGnome, which, aside from the fact that it doesn't have the nifty "used in outfit x" tooltip, it's been pretty much bug-free. YMMV, of course. If you're interested, the ClosetGnome family of mods can be found here: http://files.wowace.com/sw-c.html


I use ClosetGnome too... and it's awesome! Try it out, hopefully you can replace Outfitter with it.


I just need something that allows me to make different sets of armor I can switch to quickly (DPS, PVP, Stamina, etc) and maybe equip a riding crop when I mount.  There are a ton of ClosetGnome files there, some of which I don't understand.

QuoteClosetGnome_Mount - Adds a saddle to your mount that can carry your ClosetGnome

huh? ???


Just download the one called "ClosetGnome" with nothing after it- that's what I use :)

fiere redfern

LOL, uso - the other ClosetGnome files are there if you want your CG to be able to recognize when you're doing certain things. For instance, with ClosetGnome_Mount, if you create an outfit called "Mount", then the CG will equip your spurs/riding crop/whatever automatically when you hop on your mount.

Similarly if you use BigWigs and are carrying a specific resist set, when the BigWigs mod is activated, the CG will automatically change whatever gear you're wearing to the resist gear. Of course that said, you'll still have to go through the initial set-up (defining a PVP set, a resist set, a dps set, etc.) And keep in mind that none of the extra modules are at all required, so if you don't feel like futzing with 'em, don't! =P