Serpentshrine Cavern - Morogrim Tidewalker

Started by Shadowwolf, March 14, 2008, 03:30:15 PM

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  • Melee - 3-5k melee damage (8k+ crushing) on tanks, roughly 12k-13k hits on cloth.
  • Tidal Wave - A 35 yard range attack dealing 3938-5062 frost damage and reducing attack speed by 400%. Frontal arc. The debuff lasts 15 seconds. 2s cast time. Can be resisted (binary spell).
  • Watery Grave - Teleport 4 players under the waterfalls. ~6000 damage after 6 seconds, and some falling damage. ~50 Yard Range from Morogrim Tidewalker. ~ 30 sec cooldown. People close to the watery grave target will also take damage. Morogrim will never use it on the main tank.
  • Earthquake - 3000-4000 damage. 45-60 sec cooldown. 50 yard range.
  • Summon Murlocs - After each earthquake, Morogrim Tidewalker summons 2 packs of 6 murlocs. They have low HP (~17000) and hit for ~800 on plate. Around 1400 on cloth.
  • Summon Watery Globules - At 25% Morogrim Tidewalker stops casting Watery Grave but begins summoning Watery Globules. He summons 4, one from each grave spot, they move slowly towards a fixed player and explodes for 4000-6000 damage on impact.

Suggested Strategy:


First clear the entire room of Murlocs and the patrol in the next passageway.

The pull isnt complicated at all, just have the MT to go first and bring the Boss to his tanking position (see diagram above), if you got a hunter in raid, you can also have him to misdirect the boss on your MT.


Murloc waves

The main problem in this fight is to control the murlocs after the earthquakes. All raid members must be careful not to draw murloc aggro, particularly healers should resist their urge to immediately get the earthquake damage under control. After the tanks have solid aggro, the murlocs are killed by AoE and/or Seed of Corruption.

Paladin Tank

A paladin is the best choice to tank the murlocs, he should need only about 5 seconds to build solid aggro on all murlocs. To maximize the paladins healing aggro, one warlock can be designated as heal target for him. That warlock should Lifetap to keep his health low, and since warlocks can increase the healing they receive, spamming max rank Holy Light with Righteous Fury generates a lot of healing aggro.

Non-Paladin Tank

In this case a few druids and/or warriors have to do the job. To give them more time to build aggro, the murlocs can be slowed down with Frost Trap, Frost Nova and Piercing Howl. The basic principle remains the same.

Healer Tanking

If none of the above two methods work, it's also possible to use the healers as a sort of kiters. The mages and warlocks set up an AoE kill zone north of the stairs. All healers stay directly south of that zone, an spam heal like mad. The murlocs spawning in the north run through the kill zone when trying to reach the healers, and simply die. When all northern murlocs are dead, the healers move through the AoE to the north, so that the southern murloc group meets the same fate.

This fight has 2 different phases.

First Phase 100% - 25%:

Wait for the MT to bring Morogrim to his position, also the MT need like 6-9 seconds to accumulate enough threat so you can start dps.
The Watery Grave will come first (like 30 seconds after you engaged the boss), then Earthquake 10 seconds after Watery Grave.
Make sure to never go below 4.5k hit points (use healthstone, healing potions, bandages), otherwise you will die from Earthquake, healers should be careful about that 4.5k limit.

When Earthquake hits, the warriors other than MT move to casters pack on each side (North and South) and use Piercing Howl + Demoralizing Shout (Use Sweeping strikes if you are Arms spec) on the incoming murlocs, once the warriors have aggro on murlocs, mages use Frost Nova on the Murlocs and start AoEing them down together with Warlocks (Warlock should chain cast Seed of Corruption on as many murlocs as they can), when Frost Nova break Warlocks use ShadowFury.
The combination of all AoE (3 Mages, 3 Warlocks, Hunter and Warrior) should bring all the murlocs down in 10-15 seconds.
Once all murlocs are dead, resume dps on Morogrim.

This process will repeat itself until 25%.

Second Phase 25%-0%:

When Morogrim's health reachs 25%, he will stop using Watery Graves, and will instead summon Watery Globules from the Watery Graves spots. Those Watery Globules move very slowly, so you should be able to avoid them pretty easily (although Watery Globules arent currently working as intended, not exploding when they reach someone, but just hitting him for like 25). - Not sure of the working as intended accuracy at this time

When Morogrim starts to summon these, the raid should just reposition out of globule range (inside the doorway to the next room). Globules damage can be entirely avoided.

Deal with the murlocs as you did in phase 1 and kill the boss.
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From the looks of the video, the pillar they tanked him beside seemed to have provided a block from the quake and they also had a healer down by the Watery Grave area to heal people hit with it.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess