Mag down!

Started by Shadowwolf, April 12, 2008, 12:01:13 AM

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Congrats everyone. Really good effort last night. Thank you all for staying till we got it, we learned a whole lot tonight which should make future visits more comfortable on all of us as to what we should expect =)

Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


I just wanna say that it was awesome seeing people stay for like 15 attempts. That's what it takes to get all the cogs moving in the right direction and smoothly in order to kill some things.


Take a look at the wws reports, 3 people hit over 1000 dps on the mag kill.  And quite a few people hitting 900 dps, thats incredible.

Just wanted to say that everyone did an incredible job tonight.  And thanks to those that had to leave early, we couldn't of done it with you.
"Don't be a Dick." - Wil Wheaton
"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." - Will Rogers


If you think about it, this is really the first time we worked at this encounter. The last visit we did it about 4 times but the DPS wasnt there for it and we had a tank shortage as well which made it rough. The last visit we barely got 3 locks down by the time he popped, tonight the 5th one was 3/4 dead by then so theres been a HUGE improvement.

Was good effort all around. I know its rough pushing thru like that, but its how we learn it. Once we got past the 3rd Phase hurdle, we dropped him to 3rd Phase every time after that. Each time we encountered a problem, we all contributed ways to overcome it, which is the way to do it.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


huge grats everyone!

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"



Grats everyone, sorry I couldn't stay for the whole run but  6am comes early and I had to be into work then. I usually avoid signing up for raids on Fri nights but I couldnt resist this one sorry if I caused any difficulty.


Congrats on another guild first  :Pot O Gold:


WWS confuses me. If 2 people have 100% Presence on a fight. Person A does 500,000 dmg and records 900 dps while Person B does 450,000 dmg and somehow records 1,000 DPS. Am I just really bad at math lol.
Oh and we only need 17,000 more raid DPS to go attempt Brutallus, gogogogogo. (That is pure insanity... I wanna PUG him).

On a serious note, lookin at the WWS report I noticed that Judgement of Wisdom alone allowed me to recover over 19,000 mana over the course of the fight (all mana DPSrs should have seen similar results) and Judgement of Light healed about 80,000 damage over the fight. That's mana that our healers don't have to use essentially. I'm thinking that at the beggining of raids, much like our buff assignments we assign out things to judge on mobs. Ret Pally can take judging crusader, someone with t4 2-set bonus can take Light, and anyone else can take wisdom. And God help me if I can't keep those up with CruStrike (aside from some bosses that it's impossible to).
Also, again, I want to say seeing that sort of fighting attitude in being willing to get in that many attempts was AWESOME last night.


Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face.


I believe its calculating the time you have him engaged individually as well. Like for Air's case, he has 100% presence, but a good amount of his time he was on the Cube so wasnt DPSing Mag. Thats why his overall dmg is lower but his DPS is high. During the time he was DPSing Mag, his average per sec during that timeline is displayed. Look at the "DPS Time" column, it makes more sense then.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Congrats guys! That was awesome :)

About the WWS columns:

Average DPS
If you click the "Columns" tab and select "average DPS," the measure you will get is the total damage some output divided by the total length of the fight. By working backwards, you can see that on the attempt where we killed him, it took about 622 seconds, or 10.4 minutes. So this number would be really low for someone who died on the attempt or was clicking cubes.

If you take the "Average DPS" from above and multiply it by the time a person was fighting (DPS time), you'll get the number shown in DPS. This number could be high for someone who died partway through since the amount of time they spent doing damage is taken into account, and the same for someone who was clicking cubes.

Here's everything explained about WWS:


Whoa - huge grats you guys.  Especially impressive is that you guys stuck with it and tried 15 times.

Go Twilight!


Take a look at my damage was interesting for me to sit and basically just watch big wigs and look for a healer to innervate lol...presense on WWS is a bit shows me there 23% on the boss kill...i assure everyone i was there the whole time LOL

great work everyone...these times are soemthing to really savor...


Regarding DPS shown on the meters, WWS in particular, it actually consistently reports a Fire mage's DPS lower than what it actually is IF the fight has any sort of transition phase where DPS is halted while the boss is still visible - think Nightbane or essentially Maggie if the mage is on cube duty.

The reason is this: our main nuke as a deep fire spec is Fireball, which leaves a trailing DoT that inflicts piddly damage. So when Nightbane flies upward for pooing out Skeletons, the Fireball DoT is still ticking and meters will report this time as 'DPS uptime' when it is not so.

Just saying. :P