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Started by Arcdelad, May 14, 2008, 12:15:35 PM

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I have a huge dilemna at work... attention span to what I am doing doesnt cou...what was I typing? Nor does my incessant need to research things....I think the biggest thing that gets in the way of my work work.

My dilemna, however, is that there are two bathrooms on this floor - the first is clearly identified as a "ladies room", dress clad female figure and all. This one happens to be on a linear foot path about 25 feet away from my office.

The other ambigously announces itself as a combo room, meaning both men and women are able to use this, provided women don't mind stepping over sports pages and can tolerate the poo smell left lingering from the last guy to occupy the space. THIS bathroom happens to be about 200 linear feet from my office, again assuming the most direct and un-obstructed path.

Today I really had to pee - man, when nature, or the combination of monster, coke, coffee, and tea, calls, sometimes its on the red, emergency batphone. So...given the level of the threat, I approached the women's toilet, scanned for any witnesses, and quickly darted in.

After I emptied my blatter, ensuring perfect aim as to not leave evidence, I made a few observations. One, you guys get MUCH better hand soap then we do...never have I experienced the joys of peach mango smell eminating from my hands before. Two, your bathrooms are.....clean. Disturbingly you guys never read? I also laugh at the subversion of language...sanitary "NAPKIN" huh?

I managed to leave the bathroom without getting detected. But, oh, am I altered!


Of course We get better soap some leave the hands feeling silky smooth to, and what man doesnt like a woman to smell nice and not goingto go into to much detail on why the bathrooms are always cleaner except we are more picky about where we go or at least i am. I cant even go in my bathroom due to my hubby, I have to walk to the front of the house and use the kids bathroom smaller but ALWAYS clean. lol. And it was very nice of you to not miss lol. about the reading part i dont think I have read in the bathroom since i was a kid about the same time my sister tricked me to thinking girls were suppose to go standing up, man that was so not nice of her but boy did i try. lmao.

P.S. To all GIRLS never attempt it not a very good outcome!

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


heh. this is prolly the one time a guy would ever use a ladies restroom. have u seen the lines that women have coming out their bathrooms sometimes. there is like 10 of em in the bathroom just standing there waiting for an open stall. Crazyness! but ha im surprised you didnt get out as fast as you could. u actually took the time to admire the soap .



I've used the ladies room at nasanna's dorm on occasion.  did it ninja-quick and yeah, had to aim better.  Clean, very nice, but a dissapointing lack of reading material. 

nas asked me the other day why guys can spend half an hour on the throne with a newspaper... guy thing imo.


Quote from: LastDyingBreath on May 14, 2008, 03:33:09 PM
nas asked me the other day why guys can spend half an hour on the throne with a newspaper... guy thing imo.

I must have a strong inner male personnality, I HAVE to read when i go to the washrooms, if i dont have anything to read, why not bring the laptop ?


Why would I want to sit on the cold, hard toilet seat and read when I can sit in a nice warm comfy chair?

I've found in a lot of places that I go that women often bring in fancy soaps. I interned at a paint company last summer and you had to wash your hands so often from all the chemicals, it was nice to have the fancy moisturizing soap.

Sanitary napkins... they always have a machine selling those "just in case." I heard a story one time where someone's little sibling found sanitary napkins in their mom's bathroom and asked what they were for. The mom explained that they were for "special occasions." And come Christmas dinner, the little kid sets the dinner table with sanitary napkins.

EDIT: Arc, I wouldn't mind if you were in the ladies bathroom IF it was the type where only one person could be in at a time. Or if it was an emergency.


Quote from: Nasanna on May 14, 2008, 04:36:01 PM
Why would I want to sit on the cold, hard toilet seat and read when I can sit in a nice warm comfy chair?
So you'd gossip there but not read?  Seat warms up pretty fast, anyway :P


Quote from: Dahlah on May 14, 2008, 03:50:17 PM
Quote from: LastDyingBreath on May 14, 2008, 03:33:09 PM
nas asked me the other day why guys can spend half an hour on the throne with a newspaper... guy thing imo.

I must have a strong inner male personnality, I HAVE to read when i go to the washrooms, if i dont have anything to read, why not bring the laptop ?


Laptop = bad for the sperm count, yo.


A few months ago... I was doing the fitness room afterschool and well there's only a guys bathroom in that hall the girls is a looong way away so... I used the guys bathroom. lol But that's when I found out their bathroom is wicked bad like the walls are broken and stuff (besides the smell =P) :o what I do is put toilet paper on the seat (my sister taught me that trick) :-[ -I never want to do that again- P.S. I like the soap in the girls bathroom they changed it from liquid to foam =)


Men's restrooms are unwaveringly disgusting...we take huge...and I mean HUGE...craps...we read things, we leave newspapers, emails, maxim magazines - everything in there...we also miss the toilet...

we men are civilized though in social restroom etiquette...

If your using the urinal and someone is next to you also using a urinal, you do NOT look left or right...period. Thats just is okay, though, to talk to the person using the urinal next to you, just do not try or even thinking about making eye contact becuase again, that is just weird....the better and more man friendly bathrooms will have some kind of graffiti or reading material right in front of the urinal to occupy yourself while you pee.

Its also okay to talk stall to stall, or urinal to stall...also, there is no need to try and "stealth" out that poo...making a huge splash or pushing out last nights dinner in diarhea form is a badge of honor!


That was disgusting Uso.

Now the first thing I did when we moved into our present home was to install another toilet in the laundry. So we officially have a girl's toilet in the bathroom (seat always down), no pee on seat, etc., and a boy's toilet in the laundry.

You guys bought back memories for me (about 20 years ago) when I used to work as an engineer in power stations. They had no toilet facilities for women (except the perfect little loo for the secretaries that was about 1 km from site). So when I was in my boiler suit covered in fly ash (from coal- looking like a chimney sweep) and desperately needed to pee, I had to yell outside the door of the men's toilets to check there were no guys and hope no-one would come in. The toilets were disgustingly grotty, but the graffiti was worse.  But hey, any toilet is better than no toilet.

And the worst toilet I ever went to was in Bangkok- when I was 18 yrs old and had food poisoning and desperately had to go to the loo in a poorer part of town. This one was infested with cockroaches- crawling all over and around the hole in the ground. I had gastric and there was no toilet paper (thank God for tissues up sleeves). So I had to shuffle my feet (to avoid the cockroaches crawling up my legs) while squatting over this smelly hole.
There was a man outside with a pot of water ready to clean up after me- what a job! - yes, I gave him a big tip. :(