Feral Druid goals and benchmarks for BT-Kael'thas-Vashj-MT Hyjal

Started by Arcdelad, June 17, 2008, 07:36:49 AM

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Hey guys....we are heading into the home stretch here of content pre-WOTLK...the next few months prior to the expansion will see us as a guild pushing into new territory and deeper into end game content.

The following are goals for our guild ferals...in order for us to be performing at the right level for the content we are pursuing, here are my recommendations for what stats you should have, and what stats you should be pushing towards with your gear choices:

Cat form - DPS

All values include MOTW, but NO OTHER raid buffs or pots.

Recommended Minimum for Twilight End Game raiding:

Hit rating - 142 (hit capped). This is more important than you might think and is absolutely necessary. Its also pretty damn easy to hit.
Crit - 38%
AP - 3000 AP
Health - 10k health
Tier 4 2 set bonus - this is crucial for high feral dps output.

Optimal for the content we are pursuing:

Hit rating - still 142 (hit capped).
Crit - 44%
AP - 4000 AP
Health - 12k health
Tier 4 2 set bonus - still mandatory. Gotta have it.

Bear Form - tankage

Recommended Minimum for Twilight End Game raiding:

STA - 20k fully raid buffed (imp, fort, kings, motw, food, pot)
Armor - 28k
Dodge - 41%
AP - 2250 (you gotta build aggro you know =)

Optimal for the content we are pursuing:

STA - 22k-23k
Armor - 32k (this is the maximum - at this point you mitigate 75% of all physical damage that hits you)
Dodge - 46-50%
AP - 2800

If anyone needs help mapping out gear or specs to help tweak the numbers, send me a PM and well figure it out together.


Thank you Arc :), wanted to ask you some questions about the stats I needed last night but it got to late and I had to sleep(around 4:30am my time). So yea since I'm moving to US in a month, I will be getting a good internet and I can finally start doing some 25mans. I've started farming for mats to make some items that are an upgrade for me and will try to get the chest or/and pants badge gear by the end of the month.
I will try to be on tonight or the tomorrow night to ask you some more questions if it's ok.


Quote from: Arcdelad on June 17, 2008, 07:36:49 AM
Tier 4 2 set bonus - this is crucial for high feral dps output.
Tier 4 2 set bonus - still mandatory. Gotta have it.
So should I not use(gem) my T4 gear for tanking?

fiere redfern

t4 is also good for tanking, but there are badge/pvp items that will benefit you more in the long run. I personally use two sets of t4 (one for dps, one for tanking) because I haven't had time to grind all the badges I need for my gear upgrades. If you have the badges handy, pick up the [item]Tameless Breeches[/item] (100 badges) and [item]Handwraps of the Aggressor[/item] (75 badges) from the vendor in Quel'Doras - also as soon as I get off my ass and get the last six levels of LW i need, I'll be able to make you [item]Boots of Natural Grace[/item].


[wowitem]Boots of Natural Grace[/wowitem] are BoP, you can only make them for yourself.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


Quote from: Kothnok on June 17, 2008, 10:03:39 AM
[wowitem]Boots of Natural Grace[/wowitem] are BoP, you can only make them for yourself.
yup, I remember how I happy I got when I saw it on AH for the first time but it only lasted a few mins  :D thank you though :)
Donno if I should first get the pants or the ches firstt?

fiere redfern

pbbth.. way to pay attention, Fi.

I'd say go with the gloves first - once you start replacing some of your clefthoof set, you'll find that you creep closer and closer to the magic 415 def mark. Until you know you'll be able to keep above that mark with trinkets/rings (I highly recommend Arc's resource post http://forum.twilightonalex.com/index.php?topic=4703.0 and the spreadsheet he created: http://forum.twilightonalex.com/index.php?topic=4450.0 - both will help you out when looking for gear replacements), keep the set intact.


For a tanking druid, I would also recommend some kind of OSH!T trinket, like the Pocketwatch, Badge of Tenacity, or the epic trinket from heroic MGT.   Warriors get Last Stand, Shield Wall, while Druids can only dodge, mangle and hope the agility idol procs, or waste all your rage for 2k health.  (same with pallies too... not enough tools to get out of trouble... Epic'd out pallies tend to still use blue trinkets that increase shield block for a X amount of seconds)

This may be kind of obvious amongst this crowd already, so ... I'll probably just shut up now.   =)



Trinkets are of course vital....and there are a lot of good ones out there...

my own philosophy is that I slot one for STA (with a side benefit to it) and one for avoidance...

Good STA trinks are [item]Commendation of Kael'thas[/item] (which i am using), one of the darkmoon cards, or the [item]Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet[/item]

In the other slot, I like to use [item]Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch[/item] or [item]Badge of Tenacity[/item]

If you get low health, the commendation will kick in AND you can pop one of your avoidance trinks and if the healers are on the ball youll be full health in no time....

I am, though, not as impressed with [item]Badge of Tenacity[/item] as most druids are, now that I have battle tested it....really the only constant benefit from it is the armor bonus, but most likely you are going to be knocking on or at 32k ANYWAY without this equipped, plus you lose 2% CONSTANT dodge by not using the pocket watch...I think the Badge is great for PVP though or for scenarios where you need to both tank a harder hitting mob AND dps in a single fight, becuase the "use" on the Badge is good for both tanking and DPS, plus the armor would let you mix in some cat gear to balance out both needs...

If you have to make some TOUGH decisions, [item]Scarab of Displacement[/item] is a good way to boost up your +DEF to let you use other things, like the best feral ring in the game [item]Ring of the Stalwart Protector[/item], which OF COURSE has no +DEF on it...

Tol - log off in your tank gear and ill take a look at it and do some recommendations if youd like


kk Arc, I usually do that but i got a power out/ DC and was left with my dps gear on. Btw I'm working on the mats of the belt Ty can make and starting to get rep for earthwarden again.


I have a bunch of coilfang arms I can send you....anyone else who has them to spare, please do the same for tol...



Grats to tol for picking up Slikk's cloak and the idol of terror...two huge an immediate upgrades! Lets work on getting you the mats for that belt and getting you CE exalted now...


Thank you Arc:)
got the belt made thanks to Ty, And I'm very close to getting Earthwarden thanks to great guildies :)


I got CE exalted in a few days for CE rep (and got a lot of gold) thanks to doing all the quests in northern BEM...much better than turning in coilfang armaments :)