
Started by usonian, September 19, 2006, 08:16:41 AM

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I'll admit that I don't use TS too often, but when I do it seems like a huge weight is lifted off of me and my time playing is more enjoyable.  Not having to type everything, especially in hectic situations allows me to focus more on my playing.  I always think how much easier it would be in BG's or Raids if we all used TS yet I've never been in one where we do.

Is there a reason why most people don't use it?  Is it technical issues or just shyness?  As our guild grows closer together I don't see why we shouldn't be comfortable talking to one another especially if we gain a level of communication that is paramount to our success and enjoyment of the game.

Anyone else feel this way or am I alone?


I'm all for TS.  Love to hear the people that i'm playing with.

Only thing is that voc and I cannot both be on TS at the same time.  Don't think we have enough bandwidth or something as we start lagging so badly that we cannot play if both of us are on  :(


I type pretty fast, so I don't really think twice about typing and playing very much.  We also have two children, one of which is a 20 month old.  So if she is napping, I try not to make a whole lot of noise.


The most I've ever used something like TS for in a raid environment is to shout out a warning or two when a  surprise pat came into view... something that isn't really needed if all of the surprises are known already or a macro is premade so 1 click can issue a warning same as voice (something I highly recommend).  There's also just as many issues with 10-20 people on a TS system as there are watching chat (especially with people talking over each other).

I personally like text better for raids as it's typically clearer than voice chat and doesn't depend on mic volume, pronunciation, lag, and 9-19 other speaker volumes.  The only downside is that typing something during combat is difficult... but if preperation is done right, shouldn't be needed much, if at all. :)

Conversely, I find voice systems to be quite handy when trying to group for PvP, since tactics and situations can change very quickly.  I've rarely used voice systems like TS as the people I would normally talk to were usually in the same or adjacent room (LAN party).  I would definately agree that TS would be quite useful in BGs.

just my 2c
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


I have a strong aversion to online voice systems myself. (Bad experience a while ago in Quake 3 and stuff). So I tend to only listen on TS, I dont hook in my mic. Im a quick typist so anything I need to say I generally can make known in chat as quickly as I could say it anyhow. Ive found so long as excess chat is kept to a minimum, raiding, instancing, etc can all be done perfectly fine. Its simply a matter of staying alert and Blizzards introduction of the Raid Warning system makes it easier to broadcast alerts right on the center of the screen. I used to use CTRaids feature that did the same thing before they made it a part of WoW.

Personally I think its unessisary for TS in 20 person instances as yes its a lot of people, but not so much that everyone would be running around in mass confusion. 40 person, yea I can fully understand a need for voice there somewhat, but in the 40 persons I have participated in on voice, the channel is moderated so only the leader can be heard so its kind of pointless at that juncture. Having 40 people in a voice channel all talking at the same time or trying to talk over one another is worse then just using raid chat and raid warning as I see it.

So rather then make it mandatory for everyone to use, I generally leave it as optional for the raids I lead. You guys want to talk, thats fine, but I know not everyone has the option of using voice, some are uncomfortable, etc, but everyone has the chat box.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


I do log in, but I usually don't say anything because of shyness. :o




yea if i know the raid I'm in is on TS , i log in...but my mic is on mute, just to listen

idc i could both listen and read so np for me witch 1 others wanna go with

i myself rather to use my keybored on this 1 doh

P.S lol UN4

wanna blast out TS ?( got alot of music here )


Have at it guys. Just made 2 channels for you on TS, "Music 1" and "Music 2".
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


ty Shadow...can I have Music 1?


Oh man.  You rock, Shadow!

Ask the old Twilighters about TS... I used to blast all sorts of crazy shit through my mic at them  ]:D


ya so did theo and you know what we did with him un4  ]:D



I was the one who permbanned him and kept him from joining ;)


heh well im talking about the times where we countlessly kicked him before he was banned.


"New player." [TheotheGreek has joined the server.]
"Player kicked." [TheotheGreek was kicked by {T}un4given_one ().]