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Started by un4, August 05, 2008, 07:15:14 AM

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I've decided to start a poetry competition.  "Why?" you might ask, and indeed some will, but the answer is invariably this: because I'm bored!

All work must be original, all shapes and styles welcome.  Post 'em here, and the winnar will get a prize from me!  Additional prizes will be awarded to the second- and third- place winners, with gag gifts for all who enter.  Competition closes in fourteen days, so get your muse on!

Note: prizes reserved for guild members, but posted in the spam forums to avoid clutter somewhere important.


There once was a rogue from Nantucket....
Who desperately needed a tuffet
He put on his stealth
To gather his wealth
And stole from the walrus a bucket.

These things can be wacky, serious, mind-numbing, whatever.  Just keep it clean-ish.  PM me the risqué ones :P




considering i love to write( go fiqure with all my typos) since i have seen this post i have been racking my brain tring to pick just one.. and i have decided on this one. This is the cleanest one ihave and hope that its ok if not feel free to delete it and please forgive typos


How do you tell the one you love
You're scared for them in so many ways,

Scared for there life,their mind,their soul
Scared they will do the things they dream at night,

How can we go on with this fear
Knowing you like i do
I'm here to help
You know I would.

What you need I'm here to do.

I'll be by your side through and through,
I once had the thoughts you now dream,
I know how to help
so let me please.

I say these things with love inside
If i lose you
I lose me to.

hope you like it

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


I know so many foul poems  ]:D

this is reserved for me to think of one that wont get me banned  :D
Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face.


8 Days... time for entries :P


A haiku:

Time to write poem -
DH Lawrence I am not -
Drinking beer may help.


Now we're talking, people!

KL and Arc on board, rest follow, right?  ;)


Part 2:

Alar is stupid -
Kaelthas is maybe worse -
Where is my damn staff?

Part 3:

A warlock has it -
other ferals have it too -
screw this goddamn game.

Part 4:

Wiped again in SP -
Mage blinked into extra group -
Make table and leave.

Part 5:

Arena ratings
are finally high enough -
damnit -two druid team!

Part 6:

Mangle mangle shred -
mangle mangle mangle shred -
Morons play druids.

Part 7:

Rogue stabbed me in back -
Vanish and hide little jerk -
Bear form means you die.

Part 8:

H-B-O is good -
But at nighttime cinemax
is where it is at.

Part 9:

Pick the wedgie now -
or after the meeting ends -
Yes! All eyes on boss.

Part 10:

Jerk just tagged my mob -
P-V-P server would mean -
your corpse is now farmed.

Part 11:

People say I smell -
Has anyone lately sniffed
Fiere redfern - hrm?


Part 12:

Seventy-five gold
for a primal air you say?
Lubricate me first.

Part 13:

Naomi Watts
Natalie Portman as well
come over tonight!

Part 14:

Shadow has many chars -
But hold on - no paladin?
Just means that class sucks.

Part 15:

For Allo please
Speak only - thanks!

Part 16:

Mel lives in south too -
"Dat dere dang mob dun hurt me"
she says as she dies.

fiere redfern

Hey, I smell like roses, thank you very much! I mean, c'mon, have you seen my new shoulders?

To contribute:

Kael'thas is a warlock of sorts.
Though his magic screams MAGE! (he can port...)
Gone crazy with power,
Now lives in a tower,
Or wait. Didn't he call it a fort?


Part 17:

Avelandra says
you smell like a garbage can -
and you snore loud too.

fiere redfern

At least I do not -
Hump the pets of our hunters -
Before all our raids.


Part 18:

Lazbis, shiro and
Gehornt too - no child support
without proof Im dad.

Part 19:

Lynette is a dude -
Airplay is one too, but dont
think Nixphire is too.


No heroic couplets?  I'm depressed, you guys.

/tar arcdelad


Part 20:

Do you think I am
Edmund Spencer or Milton?
NO - bite me Un-4.