i am a winnar!!

Started by Haderach, August 20, 2008, 01:17:40 AM

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not really, I got picked to take part in the warhammer online preview test weekend thing because i was apparently one of the first people to register my stuff, so i get to try war this weekend!!, yay  :D :D :D

and since they lifted the NDA, i can get screenshots and talk about it :D :D :D

"Lord of Snaxxramas"
"Who need's a real doctor when you have my machines and their scary needles?" Dr.Zed from Borderlands


let us know how the game goes....it looks like a great PVP game with a good battle system going for it, plus much better graphics then wow...

i really wish they would do a WOW graphics facelift like Everquest did back in the day...


I'm planning on spending as much time as I can on it, even though I work the whole weekend. so I'll be sure to get some screenies and talk about the pvp and the game in general, I'm going to be an order witch hunter.

"Lord of Snaxxramas"
"Who need's a real doctor when you have my machines and their scary needles?" Dr.Zed from Borderlands


So the first few hours I played, just plain awesome...the setting is so well made up, the quests throw you right in, 10-15 minutes in I was rescuing people from burning houses and killing invading chaos.

The first public quest is really well set up too, you have to fight off 4 waves of Chaos, and then everyone in the area of the public quest faces off with a giant the chaos have summoned.

This is all for the empire, I'm a witch hunter, its like a rogue but more deadly, I can move while shooting my pistol, I have an attack that passively does more damage if it hits you from behind because it goes through your armor, and my finishers come from my pistol, so even if you run away, I can still get you :D.

all in all so far war is looking really awesome, besides some starting zone lag I have not encountered and bugs or major snags at all, I'll post more when I get further in.

"Lord of Snaxxramas"
"Who need's a real doctor when you have my machines and their scary needles?" Dr.Zed from Borderlands